Monday, February 16, 2009


I was happy, sad, angry, frustrated and totally suicidal today.

Like, seriously.... my life has been an emotional wreck lately. Been jumping from one mood to another.

Don't feel like talking much either. But I jabbered a lot today though, was so happy with my Valentine's Day's gifts and all. :) Thanks Jingting for the sweets, thanks Jasmine for the cupcakes and the card, thanks Alicia for the card, thanks Osborn and Yuankai for the teddy bear and thanks to the people who've wished me Happy belated V Day and thanks to whoever have willingly hugged me back when I said "HUG!!!" :D

Sidetracking, I think I am becoming a bit like Jennifer - being happy while depressed. See, perfect example of negative peer influence... :x

Oh yeah I have something to say though.


Hehehehe. :D Let me be a braggart for today, k? It is not very often I get such good marks. A lot of people claimed that Ms Tan was biased though (as in like, since I am the class chair[wo]man and she thinks well of me) :/ And that's why I got such high marks. Tsk, some people can be so tactless and hurtful sometimes.

I don't understand why there MUST be people to shoot you down whenever you manage to achieve something, even if it's not a big thing (like this, for example).

Sheesh I am so depressed. Everybody hates meeeeeeeee. :(

(P/S: I am so ugly too. Most of the people who saw me with my new fringe says I look weird. Only a few say I look cute. Shall kill myself.)
(P/S/S: Oh yeah I hate myself soooo much why am I such an IDIOT and always rush into things and end up hurting others?! Omg WEILING YOU SHOULD JUST DIE.)

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