You completely destroyed me. Sometimes I wonder why I do so damn much for you when by now, I should know that you will never go to such boundaries for me. I am sick of doing so much and not being recognized for my sacrifices for you. I know I can't please you, but don't be such an ingrate. -
A lot of pictures today! Shall upload the ones I like first. :p I need to download Photoscape again! :(
Namnam. :D During F&N!
Playing Twister with Najeera! :D Alicia's pose damn classic btw, the picture below.
Alicia specifically requested for this photo and also demanded that I post it up with the caption -
:D Kk bye~
Thursday, July 23, 2009
: D says (11:29 PM): hahaha ok la weiling is a ideal girlfriend : D says (11:30 PM): its junhao's 50000year luck to get you =o
Went to Seoul Garden to celebrate Jolene's birthday early! ALMOST DIED THERE. We were there from like 3pm till 7pm and we had our lunch and dinner there and the staffs kept giving us dirty looks! And we kept on taking food, I swear I am damn bloated now even though I already went to the toilet 2 times. LOL. :p
And we played Truth or Dare! Bloody hell Juexin ate ice cream with chili and other weird toppings -_- Damn gross! I did truth all the way because the dares are rly gross!! So yeah now we all know each other secrets. :O Carolyn revealed a lot :p Ditto for me -_- Now all of them think I am a pervert boo :(
Oh yeah Jolene and Juexin went home first, and they took 1 hour to get ready! Waited for them for ONE HOUR! Oh my god. T_T
Pictures! :D
Left at about 7pm, and walked around before we parted ways. Reached home at 8pm :D Had a great afternoon (and evening) with them! :D:D Jolene is going to be halfway to 30 in a few hours, woo ^^