that people who constantly blogs about their smiles being forced and happiness being pretended are all liars and are bullshitting to get sympathy.
And I feel especially annoyed if they’re my friend. So what? I can’t make you happy? Our time spent together was actually a lie, because your laughter was faked and smiles forced out?
Look, if you’re sad, then just fucking tell me you’re sad instead of pretending to be fucking happy and then blog about no one understanding you. Yes, you’re a fucking wonderful actor. So don’t blame your friends for not understanding you; it’s not our fault that you’re putting up a facade.
What, we’re supposed to see through it? How? We trust you to be happy in our company. How the fuck are we supposed to know you are dying inside? I can’t read your mind, I am sorry. Just tell me what the fuck is going on and I will do my best to help you.