Up till now, I've always keep my problems with other people to myself.
I've never liked to go up to them and tell them what I am unhappy with, because I find it unreasonable. I accept people for who they are.
Once in a while, I get angry with them. I do not tell it to them, instead I tell others. I need to vent the anger somewhere, I cannot keep it inside of me, for I am not perfect.
You claim that I should accept you for who you are, that improvements are not needed.
That's fine with me, for I've already accept you wholeheartedly as who you are.
I do not plan to make you change, nor do I want you to change.
But every once in a while, I get really annoyed. Is it wrong for me to whine to others? I can't tolerate everything. I try my very best to tolerate. I do not expect you to change. I do not expect you to improve.
I don't want to point out what I'm unhappy with to you because I'm afraid of it hurting you. I'm afraid that maybe at that time, what I wanted to say, it was because I was angry and I was not thinking properly. Besides, you already said I should accept you for who you are, so I just shut up about everything.
Is it also my fault if my parents wanted to migrate to Australia, but decided to CHANGE the very last minute? No. It was entirely my parents' decisions.
And as for whatever my brother said, I don't know anything about that. Sometimes he just uses my account and talk to people behind my back, I don't even know anything.
For me, I am a very tolerable person. I try not to get angry most of the time, and I don't show my emotions. Ok fine, sometimes I do. I become a big prick and I regret it very much. Anyway, I am not capable of hurting people, especially ones I love. I can't muster the strength to do so. I don't care if I'm unhappy, because as long as the one I love, I'm happy. I don't want people making me happy. I don't want people doing things to please me. I don't want to make people feel like they're bad / sucky / horrible / terrible or whatsoever. Thats how I work. I don't need happiness. I live for the sake of pleasing, for the sake of making others happy.
Nothing ever turns out like shit to me.
I appreciate everything.
I don't have expectations.
I was kidding when I said all those.
I don't care about how people treat me, most of the time.
You're already good enough.
You're not a freak.
I've already given you enough space.
And time.
I don't want/need you to change.
I don't want/need you to understand me.
You're not dumb.
I'm never going to speak up.
I'll always bottle up my thoughts.
I can't speak the truth to you.
I don't want to hurt you.
I don't care about myself, or me being happy.
I am not never happy.
I'll never throw everything out.
I've always remembered. Still do.
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