While editing my photos & waiting for Photobucket to upload them, I shall just blog a small snippet of what I've been thinking of lately! :D
I just argued with a friend lately, who was scolding me for being too giving. He was saying that I give in to my friends too often, and that I forgive them too much, and that I should just let go of them if they're causing me pain/hurt, and that I should start expressing my feelings.
Now I strongly don't believe in that! I don't like to tell people that they're annoying me or whatever (sometimes I do, though) and that people deserve second chances! :) Ok, more than second chances. Third fourth and so much more. I mean, if you're a friend, you should be willing to forgo all mistakes and just move on, right? Nobody's perfect afterall. So I always just try to get used to their attitude and personality and conform to their characters and how they are. I've always accepted people for what they are, and even though I dislike slashers/whiners etc, I still make friends with them if they're friendly with me. Like, why not? Its not like we are going to be "Friends Forever". Sooner or later, the friendship will fade and forget about each other existence (but so far the latter has not happened to me yet). Besides, you might learn new things along the way as each and every friendship is a learning journey, so I really do not see why not.
I sound like I'm praising myself right, well, sometimes I do hate them too. But the hate always fade because I end up feeling guilty for hating people. Like I used to hate Carolyn (LOL) but now she's one of my besterest friend. :D I can't judge a person by their appearance, so ... well, I have my first impressions (which are always by judging them) but once I get to know them well, I change my impressions of them too :)
Even if they are what I think they are, I find that imperfections are what make us beautiful afterall, and why pick on flaws when you're full of flaws yourself?
Once, I complain to Friend A that I feel that Friend B does not really treat me that well anymore and that B is neglecting me, etc. Friend A decides to do something about it (this irritate me a lot too, but whatever, its done with good intentions so there's no reason why I should get irritated, its my fault anyway for blabbing) and tells Friend B about how I feel. Friend B, instead of being sorry, gets very angry and tells Friend A, "Well, tell her that I am who I am and that if she don't like how I am, then too bad! She can't change me. As if she treats me very well like that. And why is she such a coward, talk bad about me behind my back but act so nice to me? Hur."
And when Friend A tells me, first of all, I'll feel hurt. Yes, maybe I was being sensitive, but has anyone ever not felt irritated at another person? Has anyone ever not felt love? Has anyone ever not felt neglected? See, I felt it for a moment. I needed to let it out, but because I do not want to hurt anyone's feelings, I tell another friend! Now that I has shared my problem, I calm down and won't feel that way anymore. Second, I'll also feel angry. How can B assume that I want B to change? I hate being accused. It's like, all along, I've been accepting you wholeheartedly and then now you say I'm forcing you to change. And it pisses me off so bad.
So, what do I have to do then? Apologize.
And what does B do? NOTHING. I don't mind apologizing, but an argument can never start with just ONE person!! I hate it when I'm the only one that apologizes. It has never seemed fair to me. Afterall, it takes 2 hands to clap.
Before you point out that murderers kill without reasons (therefore it starts with only one person), there are some murderers that kill for a reason (like the victim did something wrong to them or made them bankrupt, whatever). And rapists. I KNOW. I was just being general. Don't read too much into my words please :D Unless you have a guilty conscience .. ?
And yes there are also unreasonable people that starts an argument without a proper reason blahblahblah.
So anyway, I hope my friend is reading this and to please forgive me and accept me for who I am :) Hee.
Ok, on to pictures!! :D

Look I have 2 dads :B
He was fixing my computer! Anyway thats my old specs. I just broke it, so I bought a new one. A lot of people said I look like a man in it ._.

Jennifer & Carolyn: "THE FEMALE VERSION OF MR. YOUNG!!!!"
He's a radio DJ on 987FM btw.
Yes I know I have teenyweeny eyes sigh what to do :(

Oh, they saw the rest of my pictures and say I look like a penguin. -__-
Anyway yesterday night Jennifer came back from Jakarta and never bought back chewing gum for me (T__T) but she called me at like 11pm and we talked and she said she misses me very much because I'm so lovable yo :)
This is not a lie :P
Never ever conference with Albert btw, he is like a girl, always silent. Sigh.
ANYWAY!!!! So today was the first day of school! I set my alarm at 5.45am and only managed to pull myself out at 6.25am. Sigh. :(
Went to school and Jennifer passed me her gift from Jakarta - a shirt. :( Wahlau cheapskate!!! :x
Ok so after that, went to KFC to eat with Jennifer & Carolyn :D I treat them, I AM SO NICE RIGHT? :)
So we were eating and talking! We suddenly talked about hair extensions and where it can be placed, HAHAHAHAHA. Jennifer's suggestion was the most pervertic, she said at the pubic area! UMMMM?!?!
Then right!! We said at armpit, eyebrow, mustache, beard, leg hair, arm hair, ear hair (LOL), nose hair (LOOOL), etcetc!!
Then this Jennifer came up with EYELASHES. Then we were laughing about the eyelashes ending at your chest area and then if you want to open your eyes, must clip up the eyelashes! Then SHE GO AND DRAW.

Wait for it, wait for it ...

Eyelashes tied up using RIBBON PINS, and nose hair connecting to ear hair!!!
Then she started acting cute/lian lor!

My friend? Nono not my friend. :x
Ok! I have to go already. I'm rushing 3 projects right now, oh dear :(
+ I have to do some speech for English, urgh, hate it so much.
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