My bangs are getting too long, its time to snip them off.
I have quite a lot of pictures to post but I'm lazy :(

Yesterday was dinner at my grandmother's house with family and friends. :D
Pictures posted later, very lazy now.
Talked with Liana until like, 10.30pm and then went home. I was so sleepy, so I just went to shower and then went to sleep, but I couldn't sleep. So I called Jennifer first, then Albert, talked till like, I don't know, 1am+ then I went to sleep [finally].
Hee, let me tell you guys what he [Albert] told me yesterday night :D
"I'm so hot. I feel so hot."
Then this morning I was woken up at an inhumane time of 9.30am to go to my ahma's house. :( I swear I am damn exhausted now and I seriously want to sleep but I have household chores to do, ohwell.
Don't like it when people use ily/ilu. Might as well say the whole thing out right, these type of things you just can't (and don't) half fuck around. I also think if you say it too much, it loses its meaning after a while because it sort of becomes a habit to say it so you just say it out of habit and not because you seriously, sincerely mean it.
I need to cut down on expletives.
I have quite a lot of pictures to post but I'm lazy :(
Yesterday was dinner at my grandmother's house with family and friends. :D
Pictures posted later, very lazy now.
Talked with Liana until like, 10.30pm and then went home. I was so sleepy, so I just went to shower and then went to sleep, but I couldn't sleep. So I called Jennifer first, then Albert, talked till like, I don't know, 1am+ then I went to sleep [finally].
Hee, let me tell you guys what he [Albert] told me yesterday night :D
"I'm so hot. I feel so hot."
Then this morning I was woken up at an inhumane time of 9.30am to go to my ahma's house. :( I swear I am damn exhausted now and I seriously want to sleep but I have household chores to do, ohwell.
Don't like it when people use ily/ilu. Might as well say the whole thing out right, these type of things you just can't (and don't) half fuck around. I also think if you say it too much, it loses its meaning after a while because it sort of becomes a habit to say it so you just say it out of habit and not because you seriously, sincerely mean it.
I need to cut down on expletives.
HAHAHA Your first picture reminds me of a Coldstream Guard, LMAO.
There, if you don't know what it is. Heee :B
OHMYGOD DONT BE LAME LA, OMG. HAHAHAAHAHAHA. Only YOU would think of such stuffs.
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