I just keep coming across all these blogs that keep asking 'what is love' and 'how does love feels like' and I think it's damn stupid, especially when they have a boyfriend.
If you have a boyfriend, what is love and how does love feels like shouldn't be a question at all. You love your boyfriend, right? That's love. How does he make you feel? That's love.
If you're in love with someone, the same thing goes. If you're not in love, but you're asking all these questions, then fall in love. You'll get hurt, but it's a learning experience. You're never too young to fall in love, don't believe what people say. Teenager love is the best kind of love to have, the simplest kind, the sweetest kind.
And if you just argued with your boyfriend, don't wait for him to apologize. You claim that you love him, so why wait? Just go ahead and say it. If you claim that you've apologized way too often, then why do you bother to stay in this relationship then? You deserve the love that you want. All of us do. But if you keep sticking to the love you don't want, then you'll never get the love you want.
Love hurts, no, it doesn't. What happens during love hurts, but it's worth the pain, all the same. Sometimes, we must hurt in order to grow and we must fall in order to know. Sometimes our vision only clears after our eyes are washed with tears.
Don't hold back if you want to let go of someone just because you love them. If you want to let go of them, then you don't love them, really. You don't. Face it, you just DON'T love them if you say you want to let go of them. What do you mean, for their happiness? How do you know they're not happy with you? Everyone gets unhappy with each another once in a while, you just have to work it through. Relationships can never be perfect, there are bound to be arguments and tears and anger and confusion. You are supposed to face through all of these adversities and overcome these obstacles, instead of GIVING UP just like a hopeless fool. You just might have lost the best love of your life.
Stop assuming things either. Everyone tends to get insecure. These pangs of insecurity is due to jealousy, and this is NORMAL in a relationship.
"In my opinion, in my opinion" ... yes, your opinion. It means you're ASSUMING something, you don't know if it's TRUE or not. Why don't you just ask that person? "In my opinion, you don't love me." "In my opinion, you don't trust me." "In my opinion, you've never truly meant what you've said." But is it true? NOOOOOOOOOOOO. Okay, it might be, but do you know FOR SURE that it's true?!
I hate assumptions.
I think they're horrible things that makes worse a relationship. Having your own opinions are good, but they're not necessarily true. Claiming that they are true, then jeopardizing your own relationship, then BLAMING your other half for it ... well, that's just plain retarded.
Look, I don't go around saying "YOU DON'T LOVE MEEE!!" (sometimes I do, but I'm only joking what!!! ALSO NOT LIKE I REALLY MEAN IT) and then claiming that it's TRUE. I know it's NOT. Doubting one's love is probably one of the meanest things you can do, so I have NEVER doubt anyone's love before.
Clarification: I jokingly say that to people sometimes, like Snorlax. For fun only mah!
Okay, I don't know why I'm talking so much here -.-
Just very annoyed. Shall stop.
I'm damn hungry lor, it's 8:46pm and I haven't eaten a single thing since like, 3pm. :( My whole family are out enjoying themselves, leaving poor me alone at home. With nothing to eat. I eaten everything already please, all the bak kwa, all the biscuits, all the cereal ... HAHA, I SOUND LIKE SUCH A PIG.
I don't have to go to school tomorrow, it's Home Econs paper, and I'm in D&T ... so I'm not going. :) Finally, I can sleep in late. I don't know why my parents get pissed off me when I sleep till like 1pm or 2pm.
Hello, just because I'm young doesn't mean I have no stress or whatever. -.- You have more, yes, but you know how to deal with it, I don't. I'm still young. What kind of stress do I have? Oh, how about ... the pressure you give me to be a good daughter [even though I already am trying], to have good results, from my friends to be a good friend [but it seems like I am never good enough, isn't it? Hmmm], from my teachers to continue doing well in subjects I am currently scoring well in, etcetc.
Gee, whatever. I'm very hungry and grumpy.
(Btw, I'm damn happy now! HAHAHAHAHAHA.)
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