(Disclaimer: This is just my own opinion. Its up to you to agree with me or not, to believe me or not. As quoted from Buddha, "Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.")
"They say that time heals everything, but I'm still waiting."
"Time heals nothing."
"An eternity will never heal my wounds."
Sounds familiar, doesn't it? Everyone will say it at least once in their lifetime.
Someone you love has betrayed you, someone you love has revealed your secret, someone you love has left you, someone you love has lied to you, someone you love has hurt you. It has disappointed you, it has stolen your hope, stolen your faith, and your heart feels dead.
The truth is, time does not heal you. You yourself heals you. Nobody else can. Time is not the healer. You are the healer. We are the helpers - we support you, we comfort you, we do everything we can for you, but it all boils down to the fact that only you can change yourself and pick yourself up from the situation.
Time is just a factor, nothing more and nothing less.
You cannot forget what you don't want to forget. People can brainwash you, try to hypnotize you, try whatever methods they can, but you just cannot forget what you don't want to forget.
Humans are naturally impatient. When they're faced with a difficult situation, they want the solution immediately. They want it now. When the solution does not come, they become frustrated.
The same goes with moving on. A few days, a few weeks, a few years later, and you still haven't get over the hurt, you blame it on time when actually you yourself are at fault for not being able to deal with reality.
When it comes to matters of the heart, it is impossible to forget a love. Because you've loved them, you've loved them with every fiber of your being. You have countless memories with them. Even when you have moved on, a teeny weeny part of you still love them. If you don't, then you really didn't love them at all. Don't despair, you will find your one and only in the end.
When it comes to friendship, you have to understand that even the closest of friends can betray one another and drift apart. Forever is a long, long time and time has a way of changing things. Promises are more often than not broken.
When it comes to the loss of someone dear to you, it was their time to go. No matter how young they are, how old they are, how much success they had, it was their time to go. Whoever created us called for them, and they had to leave. Don't grieve. Deaths are impossible to avoid.
Point of this whole post: time doesn't heal everything, it just helps to.
Same as the saying that goes that nobody can change you, only you can change yourself -
Only you can heal yourself, nobody else can. Nothing else can.
Only you.
"An eternity will never heal my wounds."
Sounds familiar, doesn't it? Everyone will say it at least once in their lifetime.
Someone you love has betrayed you, someone you love has revealed your secret, someone you love has left you, someone you love has lied to you, someone you love has hurt you. It has disappointed you, it has stolen your hope, stolen your faith, and your heart feels dead.
The truth is, time does not heal you. You yourself heals you. Nobody else can. Time is not the healer. You are the healer. We are the helpers - we support you, we comfort you, we do everything we can for you, but it all boils down to the fact that only you can change yourself and pick yourself up from the situation.
Time is just a factor, nothing more and nothing less.
You cannot forget what you don't want to forget. People can brainwash you, try to hypnotize you, try whatever methods they can, but you just cannot forget what you don't want to forget.
Humans are naturally impatient. When they're faced with a difficult situation, they want the solution immediately. They want it now. When the solution does not come, they become frustrated.
The same goes with moving on. A few days, a few weeks, a few years later, and you still haven't get over the hurt, you blame it on time when actually you yourself are at fault for not being able to deal with reality.

When it comes to friendship, you have to understand that even the closest of friends can betray one another and drift apart. Forever is a long, long time and time has a way of changing things. Promises are more often than not broken.
When it comes to the loss of someone dear to you, it was their time to go. No matter how young they are, how old they are, how much success they had, it was their time to go. Whoever created us called for them, and they had to leave. Don't grieve. Deaths are impossible to avoid.
Point of this whole post: time doesn't heal everything, it just helps to.
Same as the saying that goes that nobody can change you, only you can change yourself -
Only you can heal yourself, nobody else can. Nothing else can.
Only you.
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