Sunday, November 30, 2008

I am totally stupid yet brave

Ok I am an idiot, seriously I am. I wanted to get over my horror movie phobia, so I decided to watch Painted Skin online. Most of the time I was covering my eyes, oh my god, I thought I saw skin being peeled off or something, it was so gruesome, I couldn't even scream [unless I want my parents to come and question me, which is annoying] so I was biting my bolster (ok I was hiding behind my bolster too) and literally feeling my heart beating so hard and fast, its like it's going to jump out from the skin. But:

I survived.

This is a big achievement for me!!!! Because I cannot stand horror movies please, I am totally gutless. I've never watched a horror movie before (except for One Missed Call, because Albert loves to torment me) and its mainly because I have a terrible fear of horror movies, up to the point of it being a phobia. SO. Its an achievement for me. :P

Photos up soon :)


Albert Wenazh said...

One Missed Call is not scary at all pl0x.
Try watching 4Bia :) It pawnszzz!

Hui Shan said...

eh I forgot what I wanted to say.

Weiling said...

> Albert
Vhadeva. :)
I did, with my mom, HAHA.

> HS
... dumb :P Eh your dp is I take one hor!!!!

Hui Shan said...

HAHAH WHUT. UPDATE QUIIIIIIIIICK! Um yalah I have nice hair. :)