I hate it when people call my name, especially at home. My mom has been making me do all sort of chores for her. Ironing the clothes, keeping the clothes, washing the dishes, carrying up and down boxes of her stuffs, etc. She's always calling for me to do them. While I'm sitting on my bed and reading a book, I'll always be interrupted. Oh, and I have a home tutor now. Coming every Tuesday and Saturday. For maths. Mmm. And my mom is going to tutor me Chinese. Urgh. What a turn off.
My holidays would be much, much better if my mom didn't resigned. At least she'll be gone 5 days a week. Now she's in all week and ordering me over like a slave. Oh, and now that she has resigned, no more discounts when we eat at Swensens. Since her company is controlling Swensens. She's only getting a new job next year. So ... my holidays are pretty much screwed.
Sleeping over at Huishan's house tomorrow. We plan to order delivery from Pizzahut and then eat at the playground and catch the sunset + sunrise. If possible. Haji Lane on Friday to hunt down my dream bag. My grandma is moving in this weekend! Won't be able to go out much then. Have to take care of my grandma. Class chalet on Monday, I need to go buy the utensils which I promised to sponser. Maybe on Friday I'll rush to Daiso.
Just 30+ more days to the school reopening ... time sure flies fast. Cliche.
I'm not looking forward to the school reopening too. Sure it'll take me away from home, but ... I'm not smart. I'm stupid. I can't cope with all the homework, I can't cope with the potential class problems that will definitely crop up. I just can't, simply because I am not cut out for academics.
I want to be a drifter. Y'know, those people who drifts from place to place. Never at the same spot for long. Working odd jobs to get enough money to drift to the next place. And the beautiful scenery recorded in videos or photographs. Bliss.
Q1: The person who tagged you was?
- Guoxiong.
Q2: Your relationship with him?
- Father and daughter, haha.
Q3: Five impressions of him:
- Retarded, retarded, retarded, retarded and oh did I mention retarded? :)
Q4: The most memorable thing he has done for you?
- A lot lah!
Q5: If he becomes your lover, you would...
- I would most definitely be blind.
Q7: If he becomes your enemy, you would...
- Ignore him lor :x
Q8: If he becomes your enemy, he needs to improve on?
- On his intelligence. Being my enemy = bad thing.
Q9: If he becomes your enemy, the reason would be?
- We were once ... hahaha. It was because of my insensitivity!
Q10: The most desired thing you want for him to be?
- A coconut. HAHAHAHA.
Q11: Your overall impression of him?
- Idkkkkkkk ... nice?
Q12: How do you think others will think of you?
- An angel. :) HAHA. Not.
Q13: The characters you love about yourself?
- None!
Q14: The characters you hate about yourself?
- Noneeeeee!
Q15: The most ideal person you wanna be?
- Myself :)
Q16: For people that care and love you, what would you wanna say to them?
- ` hiies . iies lurbbslurbbs euus tuuhs x33 . ;DD *mwaahs ! ~~ hhehs x) *bllush*
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