But this year has been a good year to me, and I am grateful that I am much closer to all my friends, and have gotten to know some of my acquaintances better. I am grateful for my gains, as well as for my losses. This year, I've been dumped twice, but I've learned a lot out of these two relationships and I know I will be a better girlfriend the next time round. ;) I've not lost any of my friends, and you have no idea how grateful I am for that! :D:D
And I think I've finally reached the stage where I am comfortable with myself. :D True, I'm not completely okay with my body yet, I'm still grappling with body issues and I still starve myself when something bad happens to me, but I'm getting better and I think that's all that matters! Getting better, every year. And I've found so many lovely friends, it's so fucking unbelievable. I'm serious! In primary school, almost everyone hated me and found me annoying and I only had Joyce and Amanda and Gladys and Subashri as friends (lost contact with all of them except Joyce) and now I'm surrounded by all these wonderful people and I'm so happy, I've never thought so many people would actually like me! :B HAHAHA.
True, there are still a majority of people that dislikes me for many reasons, such as I'm too bossy or unreasonable or petty or boastful or resentful or prideful and the list goes on and on, but all of them only know how to make judgment and not try to get to know me better, to see if I am really like what they think I am, so really, I can not be bothered about you people who constantly criticize me because none of you were ever my friend so how can you ever know what I am really like? :)

I'm really happy that Carolyn, Jennifer, Jingting, Jolene, Juexin, Najeera, Nora and me still spend our recess together every day ever since secondary 1. I'm just really glad for this because I see everyone separating (no offense intended) while we still stick together, and try to spend birthdays together (Seoul Garden ftw!). Although some of us made new friends and started spending recess apart, I really hope that next year, we'll still be spending most of our recess together because for me, having recess with someone else doesn't feel right. At all. I love you guys! :)

And Jennifer, who has always been my best friend (although she disagrees and says that Jannah/Carolyn/Najeera are more important)! Her laughter is the most contagious laughter I've ever heard in my whole entire 15 years of life and being around her, I've always been happy and laughing until I had stitches in the sides of my stomach, and till it's hard to breathe. Although we've plenty of disagreements and deferring opinions, I still love her because she's hilarious as hell and a truckload of fun to be with. :) Also, she's the one who I have the most candid pictures of. HAHAHAHAHA.

And I'm also really happy that Huishan, Joanne and I are still meeting up every few months to just talk and hang out. Although it is kind of funny that we were in the same primary school, but only got to properly know each other when we were all in different secondary schools. Although the atmosphere can sometimes feel awkward, I am blessed to have them and I love them very much (awwwwww).

Not to mention the good times I had with Huishan, who never fails to hand out lame jokes and puns! Thank you for always making me laugh and smile, although the psychotic person will always be you. HAHAHAHAHA. (Although it is quite true what Grace said about you, that we can only see your head 3/4 of the time HAHA.) It'll never be boring if there's you around, even if we're studying. 8)

And Juexin who I only got closer to recently (that's why the extreme lack of photos hint hint)! Thanks for always being so caring + concerned for me and constantly looking out for me; you're the sweetest person I've ever known! :O Like how you've said that you'll always be there for me, likewise, I'll always be here for you, when you're sad or angry or happy or whatsoever. :)

And Alicia! Although we had a big argument in the past, I'm glad that we were given the opportunity to be classmates and work on our friendship and I'm also glad that we're friends again, and although there is an obvious language gap between us (HAHA), we're able to understand each other quite well! Continue being the happy girl that you are, and don't ever go as berserk as you did a few months earlier. Wish you the best in finding another man to love. :P
That's all, but I'm also grateful for people like Albert (although he doesn't bothers to keep in contact at all), Axel (gives me encouragement whenever I'm sad), Dean (he's a nice guy), Emily (very sweet senior), Elaine (another very sweet senior), Guoxiong (very sarcastic guy who loves me hehe), Irene (because she's nice + gave me a birthday card HAHA), Junhao (he hates me now but whatever, I'm still thankful), Weiting (she's very nice + sweet and sent me encouraging messages whenever I'm hella depressed), Zhizheng (made me strive harder for English LOL)... yeah I think that's really ALL.
:) So, goodbye 2009, and I welcome 2010 with open arms.