So far I've been cooping myself at home because I'm hell depressed. I don't want to go out and face those happy people man, they depress me even more. I'm depressed because. Just because. Everytime I see happy people I want to wipe their smiles off their faces and tell them to stop showing off their happiness, even though it's their prerogative to be happy and none of my business and its really unreasonable but well, when you're depressed you're also illogical and you make no sense. So far I've been depressed since I came back from camp because when I came back from camp, suddenly there were so much things to do, and there's so little time. I had to unpack my bag, make my bed, iron the clothes, get the neccessary files needed for fucking school, do my tuition homework and finish up 'To Kill a Mockingbird'. All while my arms are fucking hurting like how it hurts when you get butt raped without lubrication (if you get what I mean). My legs hurt. My back hurts. My shoulders are dead from carrying my heavy rainbow schoolbag (which does not indicate that I'm happy). My eyes are reddening (but I refuse to rest because there's so little time which I'm wasting right now, I know). My head throbs. My heart has just suffered a massive blow. Wait, that's not right. Not a massive blow. But many massive blows. It is still functioning but it might malfunction anytime (because it feels like it). Yippe. I've been nothing but plain fucking rude to my friends. My life is so perfect <3
You've read through all that; kudos to you. :)
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