Now, look yonder. Now, you see that girl? She's conjuring up her melancholy, and no that can't go on. "Certainly, our sadness was necessary." Oh, we've been so wrong. And all that distance that we dispatch won't ever help us, help her, feel less alone. She, with hair as black as night, with skin the perfect white - and the red on the bathroom wall. Can't you see, can't you tell; he've made her wait for too long.
Now, look yonder. Now, you see that boy? He's conjuring up his happiness, and no that can't go on. "Certainly, our happiness was necessary." Oh, we've been so wrong. And all that love that we dispatch won't ever help us, help him, feel less alone. He, with hair as black as night, with skin the perfect white - and the red on the bathroom wall. Can't you see, can't you tell; she've burdened him for too long.
His/her neck is shattered by the tides. The ocean prays for his/her demise, but I swear to you - I watched his/her heart pump blood into those veins, throwing punches at ocean waves.
Stop all that dark and senseless brooding; sing a different song. Don't get dramatic - this ain't the movies; turn the camera off. All that acting seemed fun at first, but we've been playing this role for too long.
You're the sunlight that never comes, you're the reason I don't believe. You're the reason I'm always on the run, away from everything and everyone. You're the reason I lie awake. A same recurring dream; a fever that wouldn't break.
"Life has to end.... love doesn't."
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