Taken yesterday when I went with them (Junhao, Nich, JJ, Zhenghou, Guowang, Xiaopang) to Changi Beach and then OCH (Old Changi Hosp, for those suaku people). I went there 3 times, and yesterday was the first time I felt so paralyzed. -_- Shan't elaborate on it! Went home around 11pm, thanks Junhao for walking me to the bus stop :D

I like my tee on that day too hehe.
And todayyyy ~!

Celebrated Liying's birthday today, albeit belated! :) It was on the 16th of March, haha. So we celebrated it; Liying, Huishan, Joanne and mememememe. :D
Met Joanne at Huishan's house first, we baked a cake (ok, it's actually a brownie, a huge one) and some random food stuffs, then we met Liying and we had our rooftop picnic at the top level of the carpark HAHAHAHAHA. We took a lot of pictures (300+ LOL) and that is the consequence of putting 4 girls together :D
So, here are some pictures before we met Liying:

Bunch of slackers. :P

Huishan's crown which we forced Liying to wear because she's the birthday girl... HAHA.

And that is why I don't let down my hair often. Because it makes me look even uglier haha.

When we went to buy ~PARTEH~ stuffs hahahahaa :x

How it [cake] initially looked like!

And after!

Extremely chocolate-y brownie (thanks to Joanne who couldn't help pouring in more chocolate chips :P) topped off with Nutella and M&Ms. I believe that this was the most chocolate-y thing I've ever baked. A bit too sweet, but that's because we poured all our love into it too :P (So cheesy hehe cannot stand it)

Biiiiiiiiiirthday girl :D
(whom we forced to wear a crown for the night)

She loves it, loves us, loves ME! :D

Lighting the candles was a tedious and lengthy process because... we are all noobs at lighting candles HAHAHAHA.

Uh yes we forced her to wear the crown HAHHAHA. :D

They started poledancing. :O

Hehehe lovelove ^^
A series of night group pictures (some are really stupid HAHA):

As you all can see, Joanne is the most enthusiastic one among us all... :D
Okay, these are the pictures I've received from Joanne! There are more, from Huishan, which I've not received, so I'll edit this post later with more pictures + more details. OKAY WATCH THIS SPACE xx
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