To sum1uneedntaskforname:
I appreciate you coming to my blog, but please do remember, if you want to criticize, please criticize me instead of my friend. After all, this is my blog, so who you should be criticizing is me, not Jennifer. Besides, I'm very sure she did nothing to offend you, so just shut up and stop trying so hard for attention. :)
My.back.freaking.HURTS. I woke up with a really aching back and shoulders and everything, my arms were sore as hell and then I had to carry my schoolbag which is falling apart because I don't know how to take care of things (ha) so I have to go purchase a new one. Anyway, I was aching all over today and now I am still aching and I feel like crying because it hurts so much :(
I don't like Aaron [not EV], he kept on going, "Hehe you weak like pussy. :D" Hng! At least I wasn't the one that was clinging on to people when we went to OCH :P
Watched Saw 2 and I like this quote:
"Can you imagine what it feels like to have someone sit you down and tell you that you’re dying? The gravity of that, hm? Then the clock’s ticking for you. In a split second your awe is cracked open. You look at things differently – smell things differently. You savor everything, be it a glass of water or a walk in the park. But most people have the luxury of not knowing when that clock’s going to go off. And the irony of it is that that keeps them from really living their life. It keeps them drinking that glass of water but never really tasting it."
I........... I remember every word you said, okay? I'm not that naive, and I'm not that stupid. I've been broken before, I can deal. I'm not scared of moving on with my life. What I'm scared of is that I'll realize somewhere along the road, that you were my life.
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