But before I start, LOL HUISHAN IS SO CUTE LAH! My MSN pm was ":( depressedddd, shall kill myself NAOZXS" and then she sent me a thousand rainbow smileys and sent me this link:
solar bear says (8:44 PM):
* HAHAHAHA OI!!!!!!!!
Now we all know Huishan's true age. :D She's still 7! And still watching Hi-5. Hmmm. :O :O :O
Oh and guess what Jennifer told me yesterday?
"There are a lot of prostitutes at FEP. They are damn good!"
ROFLMAO. :x No Jennifer I shall not explain why you said that. HEHEHEHEHE. :P
And when I checked my Plurk today:
Most number of replies I ever had! Hahaha. :D I KNOW IT'S NOT A LOT BUT WHATEVER. OK ON TO RANT -
It really bothers me how discriminatory some people are, especially in Singapore. I mean, Singapore is already a multi-racial country, so why not just live and let live? Also, it irritates me how people always stereotype Bangladesh, or generally black people, as perverts and immoral. It’s this… cruel assumption that really irritates me, because we all know that this doesn’t apply to just them or just a particular race of men, it applies to every single race. I am very sure that there is not a single one of you, who would die without having done an immoral thing, not lie, or have a sexual desire for someone of the opposite gender. And you cannot deny this; because you know yourself that whatever I’ve just state is TRUE. Even if it’s extremely unpleasant.
Plus, I seriously hate how people continuously try to discourage you from doing what you want to do and love. Like, PLEASE. This is my life, my prerogative. I do what I want, and if you find it wrong, then please feel free to comment, but don’t discourage me from what I want to do. (Oh and if you want to argue back by saying “What if you want to be a prostitute?” just know that I have a working brain that’s LOGICAL and filled with COMMON SENSE)
I mean, how would you know that being a freelance photographer would lead to a bleak future? True, there’s not much exposure for photographers here, but I can travel overseas and make my mark elsewhere. I do not necessarily have to do it HERE in Singapore, even if I was born here. Stefani Sun was born here, but she didn’t make her debut here, right? Okay I actually have no idea if that is true, but let’s just say that I am right. :D
It’s even more irritating when your own family is against what you want to do. Like… support your own family member, please. It’s not like I’m setting out to be a porn star or whatever. So what if it’s a low-income or possibly no income job? At least I enjoy it. I rather do something that I LOVE and ENJOY then force myself to do something which I CAN do, but DON’T enjoy. Besides, I appreciate the advice, but you know that I’m not intelligent – I can’t be a doctor, nor can I be a lawyer. I mean, I can if I want to and if I try, but I don’t want to be, that’s the problem! Because I am an artsy person (art, in this case, not referring to drawing).
Like, demoralizing much? I believe that you should just go for what you want, and if people tell you that it’s “impossible”, all the more you should prove them wrong. Show them that you CAN do it, and have the last laugh. :D As quoted from Henry Thoreau:
“I have learned that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.”
Remember… no one has the right to make you feel inferior. You are capable of great things and you are capable of achieving whatever you’re dreaming of achieving. It’s all a matter of whether you are determined enough to make it happen. Even if people mock at you, and say, “You’re just a 14 year old, you don’t know anything!” Because they’re not you. If you believe that you can do it, then you CAN.
No one has the right to rain on your dreams.
So what I believe in – alright, maybe some will be similar, but IT WON’T BE THE SAME! And so what if that is the case?! You do NOT impose your beliefs on ME. And don’t INSULT me just because I HAVE A DIFFERENT MINDSET FROM YOU. :)
Besides, you don’t know the shit I’ve been through (and believe me, I’ve been through a LOT) so you seriously have no right to talk about my life and how I handle it, either. I might not be as intelligent as you, but I’m sure as hell much, much more mature than you. :D And I can safely declare that, no matter how immature I behave. Let me emphasize on BEHAVE. Oh, and I must be really interesting for you to talk so much about me. Right? ^^
Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events and mediocre minds discuss people.
So instead of wasting time and discussing amongst you and your group of… like-minded clones about how I can improve myself, make use of your time to discuss how to further improve yourself. Because me being a better person won’t be of much help to you. I know I’m imperfect, but I love and embrace my flaws completely. I think they make me beautiful, make me unique. I am imperfection at its very finest. ;) *nudges my profile*
Anyway, since this is already such a long post, I shall just continue ranting about totally random topics that don’t even link back to whatever I’ve been saying.
I think it is quite amazing how I’ve turned out to be such a proper kid. I’m not trying to boast or anything. It’s like, my mother was a single mother when she had me, and she was juggling supporting my grandmother, my brother and me, working, and finishing her education. So she really had no time to look after me, so it was up to my grandmother, and my grandmother only studied up to what, primary school? And my eldest uncle is really selfish and doesn’t want to help out. My second and third uncles are people who spend time in between jail and home. My aunties have either cut off all relations to us, or have passed away.
So I only had my grandmother to look up to, and she couldn’t teach me anything, because she didn’t get a proper education. She could only try to raise me up and giving me the proper set of values and morals. :/
I mean, wow… I can’t believe that with this type of upbringing, I can actually achieve what I’ve achieved so far. My results are… exceptionally good, for my standard, looking at my background. Don’t you find it so? It’s like, nobody taught me English, Maths, Science, whatever. Besides school teachers. Gee.
I hope I don’t sound like some sort of braggart. I’m just stating what I feel. Maybe I’m being too hopeful of myself, but whatever… I feel good that I actually had such a messed up childhood, yet am progressing well into adulthood. If you get what I mean. :B
Oh, and I swear, the word “fxck” is starting to bug me. Like, if you want to use the word fuck, then just use it and spell it correctly, damnit. Okay I so need to stop being such a perfectionist. Every little detail bothers me -_-
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