I have a very 'nice' boyfriend who's willing to carry my rainbow bag with a pink carebear on it, in public... for just 2 minutes. :(
Thursday 090409:
Had to go up on stage with my Nepal traditional costume with Hakim and I just about died of embarrassment. :/
Had Speech Day rehearsal, can't believe I was chosen to march up on stage. :O I'm also getting my award for being the top in English (HAHA NICHOLAS :P)! Anyay, before that, was doodling at the table using Najeera's markers, with Najeera [duh], Jennifer, Wenkai and Yongkin. x)
Hehehehe :x
Went for Speech Day rehearsal after that, and memorizing all the steps will be hard :/ Lots of different formations. T_T Met Junhao after that... who pissed me off reaaaaal badly :@
Friday, 100409
Woke up early today, cus Jingting Juexin Shuman Weiting came over to my house today to cook. For their MT projects, I thiiiink? Anyway they invaded my room, invaded my kitchen, and left the whole house in chaos when all of them left. :O
HAHAHA whoosh~
Was supposed to go play badminton with my mom and bro. Thank god they decided to come over today, cus I don't like playing badminton :B I AM NOT UNFILIAL OK :(
All happily cooking. As you can see from the... maniacal laughing expressions on their faces :x Jingting was the happiest, she started dancing in my room:
Then slowly all of them left, left Juexin and Shuman. When Jolene came, Shuman left. Then left with Juexin and Jolene to Tampines 1 and it was raining heavily, so there was a heavy human traffic. Literally. Almost died of suffocation :/
Walked around, then bid goodbye and met Junhao after that, had early dinner at Sakae Sushi and his $42.50 flew away just like that :x
Tried smth with my hair... me likey! :D
"Machiam (sp?) waterfall like that."
- Idiotic brother :)
It's "macam" (Like) Waterfall
put the pictures of the food they cook on ur blog!!!
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