Unread books, undone assignments and unfinished letters piling up one by one and leaving my work table... well, not even a work table anymore. -_- Sigh, too many things to be done. Need.time.to.slow.down! :(
Or maybe I should just stop slacking, heh. :B
Was working on a thesis, but had to postpone it due to the accumulating workload :/ Examinations are like, approximately 1 month away, if I'm not wrong. I've been working on my secondary 1 and 2 topics by redoing previous years' assessment books and.... pfft. I truly suck at Maths, period.
And oh, I have my practical exam this Friday for F&N. Wtf, I'm not cut out for cooking!!! Why did the evaluators place me in the F&N stream?! T____T Srsly am going to die this Friday (oh and I have Guides on that day too, and I'm supposed to hand up some proposal which I have no idea what it is about) like GEEEEEE-CAN-I-JUST-DIE-RIGHT-NOW much?!
Getting my chairman badge tmr though, during assembly. :D
My hair is like damn thick now (though compared to Najeera's, my hair is considerably thin) and it's so annoying because I want to cut it thin but I've traumatic experiences with hairdressers whenever I thin my hair... it always end up super thin, like ahlian-hair-thin (am I being stereotypical here? God, what is wrong with me) and I don't want that!!! I want to have thick, luscious hair but not THIS thick...
Ok I'm a walking contradiction. *shrugs*
Anyway I've recieved a lot of slamming for my previous post so I've deleted it. :/ After that post, my phone literally died after tons of people sms me "You should delete your post, it's so personal!" So yeah, it's deleted. I hope it pleases you guys :)
And after reading J's letter, I guess I should be less selfish and stop blogging such depressing stuffs. I guess it is kind of true that people had a generally pleasant day and then comes to my blog and starts feeling empathy for me and ends up having a shitty night. I already have a therapist, so... instead of unloading my problems onto the whole world, I should just seek for advice and consolation from my therapist :)
So I'm sorry if I've worried any of you guys! I'm fine, really. I guess it's just that I treat this blog as my own emotion outlet and I get overboard sometimes, so I apologize. ;)
Btw, this picture is to prove that Jennifer is very violent and have a volatile temper because she emptied my pencilholder's contents and threw it right into my face :P
(Note: I really like her hoodie! It's from A&F. Hinthint ^^)
Okay shall go finish up my notes for TKAM.
(PS: Ignore the post below, my boyfriend is an arrogant idiot :P Hehehe)
Madam Chairman AND a goddess. XD
> Z
Yup! A splendid combination :D
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