Anyways.... thanks Junhao for your gift today :) Love you! :D
I got back my SS results - 9/12. :D Chem results - 22/25 (so my overall for CA for chem is 75, an A1 woohoo) and Chinese results - 28/60. :P Just need 2 more marks to pass! Not bad for my standard ok.... nyeh :P
Alright, long overdued pictures from the handphone... let's start from the most recent! :) Which is today, haha. Alicia and I were extremely bored during EL lesson, because Ms Tan was absent and we had a relief teacher who also used her handphone in class to book a hairstyling appointment -_-
Extreme retardancy ahead. Approach with caution :O
I know my closed-eyes, smiling face photo very ugly lah haiyoh! :/ Pretend that you can't see it ok?! T_T
Ok thats all for today... moving on to other days, not in chronological order (i cbf :/)
Badminton with family at Tampines Indoor Stadium! :) Excuse my ugly appearance, I just finished an hour of badminton ok. :B
During PE @ Indoor Sports Hall (my first time there lol :x)
Jennifer~ (idk whats wrong with my face as well -.-)
Taken like, 2 months ago when she met me for dinner at the Jap restaurant at Tamps Stadium! :)
Before and after HAHAHHA
Self-cut bangs = uneven bangs :D
My handphone's camera is not so bad right :O
Ok, its 12:19am, school's tomorrow and I need to wake up early to meet Junhao.
Nights y'all! ;)
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