Friday, May 15, 2009

& lie, lie, lie.

So exams are over and Jennifer and I went to watch Star Trek today. Jenn kinda said that it was going to rock but I doubted it. I mean, c'mon. Science Fiction? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?

And Jenn also said that Chris Pine is hot but you know her. {rolls eyes}

Never before was Jenn this right. Chris Pine is SO FUCKING GORGEOUS!

Anyway, I have to make a confession. It's like I'm living a lie for so long and the pain is so great. I've been living this lie for at least 14 years now...

I am gay. Yes I am gay. Hey come on gay women got more balls than men. Search: Ellen Degeneres.

Okay well to make it fair I'm not gay, I'm bisexual... which is why I'm dating JUNHAOHONEYDEAREST now.

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