"Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let the pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness. Take pride that even though the rest of the world may disagree, you still believe it to be a beautiful place."
I have a fucking headache.
Why are you so unreasonable? Why can't you understand my situation? You always ask me to stand in your shoes - why don't you stand in my shoes and understand how difficult it is to be me? Why should I try to understand you when you don't even bother to understand me? It's always about YOU, isn't it? You you you you you. So where do I stand? Am I not important as well? I've told you about my problems, you always laugh. Just laugh. You laugh, laugh, laugh. When will you ever be serious, when will you ever see my pain and how much I try to get through each day? Can't you see how much I just want to die? Why are you so oblivious, or are you pretending to be oblivious because you don't want to help me through this shithole of a life, MY life? Am I that insignificant to you?
God, I want to fucking puke.
George Carlin!!!
I love the old man to death. :B
May he rest in peace!
Also, I think the best thing to do is just ignore the one who is bugging you THAT much. Eventually, s/he would stop bugging you too.
I am sorry for the spammage. :P
> Z
Same here! :D
Thanks for the advice, except that it isn't easy to ignore him >.> If you get what I mean. HAHA!
Nah, its ok :)
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