Sunday, July 19, 2009

It takes courage for one to 'fess up to his own mistakes, something which you unfortunately do not possess. You've fucked up on so many counts, and you still want to push the blame on to me. It's amusing how much you try to keep up on your slipping facade. Your face seem to be melting - oh wait, that's just your mask. You might want to touch up on your make up. Your lies are lovely; how you managed to deceive me - us - for so long is beyond me. But somehow you fucked up and now the truth is out, so why are you still trying to grasp on to your non existent dignity? Everyone knows, we're just sympathizing with you. You are weak, we all know that. That's why we just pretend not to know what you are doing, but sweetie, newsflash: we live not to please you. Are you sick of acting, because we sure are.

The prettiest people do the ugliest thing.

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