您好小女孩和男孩! :D
今天, I woke up late and didn't had time to change out of my pajamas before meeting Naj to pass her her things, so I went to the bus stop near my house.... in my pajamas lol. :B Haha, and I waited for the next bus with her, STILL in my pajamas with very greasy hair. See, the ultimate sacrifice. :x
She messaged me "Thanks!" again after she got on the bus, and I replied, "See, I'm not the bitch you thought I was, right?" HEHEHE. And she replied with an embarrassed emoticon. Awwww. :B Oh yeah, she thought I was a bitch since secondary 1. Hurt my feelings only~
然后, had tuition, then went to change and met Ms Nah at Starbucks! I was the earliest. :D We proceeded to Swensens, Ms Nah's treat! Woohoo. :B She is a really nice teacher. :) Haha. Then we went to my house to discuss about our debate more, and she left, and then Max left, and it left Jen, Raina & me.
如此, we, or rather just Raina and me, observed Jen dancing around in her denim 'tutu' dress. Raina is a really good singer! She sings beautifully, along with Jen. I feel so inferiorrrrr... :( Ok, nevermind. :p They left around 6pm. So, pictures! ;)

Oh yeah, I was feeling thirsty, so I asked Jen to go to the convenience store near my house to get me peach tea. She said she is hungry and wanted to make instant noodles, and I didn't have any more packets of instant noodles. So guess what? She went to buy one whole packet, using my money!!! :( Sad. I have no more $$ already. :(
Some random pictures taken during the last few weeks:

While studying Physics. Just look at the amount of hair I dropped. -__- I reckon I'm dying.
Tomorrow, Jingting, Carolyn and idk who else are going to come to my house to bake cupcakes for Teacher's Day! :B So exciting. ^^ I like my house, it's big enough to host a party. HAHA. :p
Baibais chikas. :D
I thought you were a bitch too! LOL KIDDING. :O eh, dont pluck your hair leh.. not funny. :(
> dean
heyyyyyyyy :( hurt my feelings only. and i'm not plucking my hair, silly! it just drops off lor.
> irene
come here & get some for yourself. LOL. k, kidding. :p
> irene
Suresure~ :p
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