Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Here’s to the starry nights and to careless freedom. To glowing smiles and to flushed cheeks from laughter that heals you deep inside.


Very, very tired. :( :( :(
Just got back home, went for Teacher's Day rehearsal. I like the performances. :) I helped out with certain stuffs because I am helpful like that. ;)

Hehe I am also very pleased to say that my Chinese improved by 2 grades! :D I still fail, but whatever. 48 marks. :) It may not seem much to you. But it's already considered an improvement for me.

And my English... 73! :D Woohoo. A2. I'm still striving for an A1 but it's so difficult. :( I only got 16/25 for my summary test (I suck balls at summarizing) but thank goodness for the Reader's Theatre, which I was graded 17/20 for. WOOHOO. Pulled my overall up from a lousy B4 to A2. Hehehe.

Chemistry - 72. :D I seriously suck at acid, base & salt. -_- And SOOOO MANY FORMULAS TO MEMORIZE WAAAAAAAAAAAH sucks ball manzxszxs. :(


When people can walk away from you, let them walk. Don't try to talk another person into staying with you, loving you, caring for you, or staying attached to you. When people can walk away, let them walk. Your destiny is never tied to anybody that is able to leave you so willingly.

1 comment:

irene said...

wah, your english..! A2 IS ALREADY V.GOOD. LOL.