DURING THE MANGROVE TRIP. :D You know, there's one picture that Janice took of me from her phone that fucking looks like I'm in Heaven?!?!

Haha okay, I'm just bored. :( Had a tiff with my mom and she's giving me the cold shoulders. :B Oh well. Let's blog about how it happened ^^
Yesterday, I was supposed to go to my ahma's house along with my family, but I told them on Saturday I'm not going because my friends are coming over. And then they woke me up yesterday at like, 10am and told me to go get ready. I said, "I'm not going what!"
And then my mom started yelling at me. -__- Like, "Oh, so friends are more important than your ahma lah?" Then I was like, damn irritated, because how many times have I 'represented' the family and went to visit ahma on my own? This is the first time I didn't go, not including the times I fell sick.
I was still in bed, so while she was yelling at me, I just closed my eyes. AND SHE STARTED SLAPPING ME ALL OVER AND ACCUSING ME OF SAYING "BLAH, BLAH, BLAH" when I was just ignoring her!!!!
I yelled at her to stop hitting me because it hurts and also that I didn't say anything and don't hit people when they've done nothing to offend you. And then she snatched my handphone away, and I SCREAMED at her to give it back to me, because I was already SO irritated by her unreasonableness.
My dad came in and said, "What's the matter? What's with all the screaming?" And my mom immediately said, "YOUR DAUGHTER LAH! SAID BLAH, BLAH, BLAH WHILE I WAS TALKING TO HER!"
And my dad started hitting me because he's henpecked and always listen to my mom.
That's when I lost it and said, "GOOD PARENTS NEVER HIT THEIR CHILD UNNECESSARILY, GOOD PARENTS AREN'T ABUSIVE, SERIOUSLY, MUMMY ALREADY LEFT BRUISES ON MY SKIN, IT HURTS OKAY, STOP IT." Then I started screaming for them to go away and just leave me alone.
Then they just walked out of my room without a goddamn apology! -______- My dad just ruffled my hair and laughed.
....... so fed up. They still haven't apologized. -_- Tsk.
How is anything my fault?! I swear they hit me all the damn time. My dad likes to pinch me on the back. My mom likes to smack me with a lot of force on my ass. She once used a clothes pole (is that what it's called? Y'know, the pole you hang clothes on to dry) to hit me on the back 3 times and SHE DIDN'T EVEN APOLOGIZE.
Abusive much?!
URGH. So irritated.
This post sounds very childish HAHAHA.
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