Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I am so fucking appalled... look, you are already 15, so will you please grow the fuck up!? I think it's rather shallow how you think appearance comes before personality. Do you really think all pretty things are nice and that all ugly things are bad? Seriously? ._.

Sheesh, maybe it's because you have no self-esteem at all, but calling people fat won't make you any slimmer; calling people stupid won't make you any smarter; calling people ugly won't make you any prettier. You're really just insulting yourself, instead of insulting the other party. I think that all the hating should stop... do you really think that when you hate someone, you're only hurting them? No, hatred is a curved blade. The harm that we do to others; we also do to ourselves.

C'mon, we are already 15. I think all of us need to stop breaking each other down, stop comparing each other, stop putting each other down and hurting everyone in the process. We are all beautiful in our own ways, and just because a couple of people doesn't think so doesn't make you any less beautiful. Extremely cliche, I know, but I'm stating facts. :D

Yay for optimism!

(PS: I sound like such a cheerful douchebag HAHA.)

1 comment:

irene said...
