Thursday, November 12, 2009

Can someone please enlighten me, what's so "flirt" about hugging a boy (when I was still single)?

Mind you, just a hug. Simple hug. Not a prolonged hug. Just a normal hug between a girl and a boy. Even if the girl is Chinese and the boy is Malay. Does this mean the girl is flirting with the boy?

And if it is, please explain why.

Oh, and does a girl talking to a boy who then proceeds to laugh over a joke together equates to the girl flirting?


Anonymous said...

Everyone has different point of views . Maybe you did it too many times so people called you a flirt . Or they just don't like you . PRobably .

Juexin Zefiryn AureliaElyse said...

i guess people are just reading in too much -.-

dean said...

i hugged ALOT OF girls today, chio bus, like including malteses, papillions, beagles, g.r, cww, etc.. is it counted as flirting? LOL

Weiling said...

> Anonymous

Hm problem is, the guys are either my classmate for like 2 years or my good friend since sec 1.

Yeah they don't like me! Haha

> Juexin

LOL yealorrrrrrr

Weiling said...

> Dean