The night before the 17th, Huishan asked me what time will I be waking up for tomorrow (which is the 17th). I didn't suspect anything, and said that I'll be setting my alarm at 11am.
So what they planned to do was to sneak in to my room very quietly so I won't wake up before 11am and set up the cake and smear toothpaste on my face and then wake me up and take very ugly pictures of me. That's the surprise! Because they told me to meet them at 1pm at Tampines MRT Station.
... at 10am+, I was still happily sleeping. Suddenly, I heard footsteps and giggles in my dream and I opened my eyes and I saw two figures, one in white and another in blue, standing at my door who then, seeing that I've opened my eyes, whispered something like, "OH SHIT SHE'S AWAKE!" and then ran away.
I was suspicious, but I just closed my eyes again and pretended to be asleep. I heard footsteps again, and someone giggling like a hyena, and a lot of rustling. I opened my eyes, making sure my hair was covering my eyes, and saw someone in light blue shorts.
"JOANNE!" I thought. Because she's always wearing those light blue shorts.
Then I knew that the other girl was Huishan. "So this is my surprise," I thought, and I contemplated if I should continue to pretend to be asleep so I won't ruin their surprise or should I just wake up and surprise them instead (hehe).
I decided on the latter. MWAHAHAHAHAHA.
I sat up and exclaimed, "You all very noisy leh!"
A shriek filled the room and I think I saw the both of them jumped. Mwahahahaha I felt so accomplished! Hehehehe. Anyway, their surprise was foiled by me, MWAHAHAHAHAHA. :x :x :x
Anyway they had a slice of tiramisu cake from Coffee Beans! And they passed me my present, which is the pillow. :D And they forced me to take pictures, even though I just woke up with morning hair, bad breathe, bad skin and swollen eyes :(
So after eating, went to shower, and set off to Bugis! Huishan was bringing us to her secret hideout (so I can't reveal the location either, except that it's at Bugis). :D And seriously, the secret hideout is so pretty!!!! Hehe.

Our table! Lots of cushions. Very comfortable! :D And not many people know about this place, so we had the whole second floor to ourselves. Which is awesome! After placing our orders, we immediately started taking pictures. :O

Joanne's buey song face HAHA.

Wearing my Happy Birthday shades! :D

I fell over laughing HAHA.
And our food came, and oh my god it is DELICIOUS!

Brownie with ice cream!! :D The brownie was orgasmic - it's really thick and chocolate-y!

My order came first (hehe) - Carbonara, a classic pasta sauce made with cream, bacon and Parmesan and served with pasta (duh) and is absolutely delicious. :)
Huishan and Joanne both ordered kids' meals, but look at the difference of the servings haha:


SO SMALL (the fish)!!

Joanne digging in (and the way she cuts is hilarious, like a murderer).
While eating, we take PHOTOS B)


Then Huishan made us do this:

I look scary

While both of them look cute. INJUSTICE HAHAHA.

I look so excited HAHA. Huishan disappeared!

Please ignore my retarded face kthnx.

I am a bunny. Albeit not a very cute one.
I like this picture because I look very tall hehehehehehehehee.


We tried to flip our hair to get a cool effect but failed:

Huishan passed!

Again, another pass. LUCKY!

Ok this one not so bad. HAHA.

Joanne looks so studious with specs!!

I look so demure wow. HAHA. My blue skirt is so awesome!! :D

Then we left the unadulterated awesome place! I'm serious, it's fucking awesome - good ambiance, good food, good company.... *sighs happily*

Decided to go to Bugis Street!

Joanne left shortly after that, as she has a netball match to go to. :O Huishan and I had yogurt at J.Co, and then went to City Hall! Went to HMV first, because Huishan is a self-proclaimed CD pervert. HAHAHAHA.

Then it was time to go for Swan Lake, so... Huishan went with me! :B She's not paying though. Oh well, at least the tickets aren't wasted. :D

Saw Huishan's friend there, haha. After the play ended, went to McDonalds to have supper. :D We were strolling to City Hall MRT Station when I realized, oh yeah there is a last train, and told Huishan. Then we panicked and quickly ran to the platform HAHA and thankfully we caught the last train!! :B

Reached home slightly before 1am, and transferred the photos and started editing. :B
Yay I had the most awesome birthday, thanks to the awesome company and awesome surprise and awesome cafe and awesome food and awesome play :)
I'm glad you had an awesome birthday afterall! Btw your friend, the girl in white, she looks like Jean Danker!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA AT THE VID and omg the photos (Y)(Y) and I bet this is the 5th time someone said Joanne looks like Jean Danker HAHAHA
Btw I'm paying, just not now!!
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