Woke up even later, at 9.20am! HAHA. And Auntie Mary swore to wake up at 7.30am the previous day. Quiiiite funny. :B Anyway, she showered first, so she went to buy breakfast for us! Sandwiches from the same eatery opposite our hotel. And she tied braids for me!!! :) YAAAAY.
Headed to Houshanpi Station, to go to Wu Fen Pu, the biggest shopping district in Taipei (I think). :D

Walked in to Wu Fen Pu, only to realize that at 11am, most of the shops were still closed! -_- So we decided to pass the time by going to Sparta Coffee to have coffee (duh).

My very bitter latte (with a cute cream design) which I swallowed down with no gusto, and this really antique coffee maker that was on display in the cafe. 8)
Went through our itinerary, made some changes, and flipped through some magazines in the cafe. It was going to be about 1pm already, so we decided to leave!

My mom enthusiastically posing haha.
And her shoes were spoilt, so went to buy a new pair.
I think 90% of the Taipei's population own dogs or something, because they were freaking EVERYWHERE. Even in SHOPS. I SWEAR. -_-
Anyway, didn't take much photos, because I was busy shopping heheehhe. :B My mom wanted to buy clothes for my brother, so went to this guy's clothes store, and omg they're really damn serious about their business!!! Yknow why?!

Notice anything about the mannequins... ?

I laughed out loud when I noticed this and I was alone, and the people passing by must have thought I'm a stark raving lunatic!!! Anyway, I turned to face my mother who's in the shop to excitedly point this out to her, and I noticed one of the staff (female) smiling at me. HAHAHAHA. Quite funny. :B
Such a waste of money lor!!! False eyelashes on mannequins! Not like people will notice unless they really nothing better to do (like me) go observe everything!
Anyway!!! We felt hungry after shopping, so decided to try cold noodles.

It is YUMMY. Really!!! It is COLD lah (obviously) but it is damn delicious!!!!!! :B

After eating WE WENT TO SHOP SOME MORE (bwahahaha) and I saw another bunch of funny mannequins -_-

So ugly lor. My mom said they used it to attract attention but still.
It was about 6pm already, so we left for Taipei 101! :D
Entrance + the really pretty Christmas tree inside the mall!!! :D

Mom was hungry, so we went to have ice cream. (H)
After eating, we went to the washroom and discovered lockers that we could store our shopping bags in so we did. ^^
And we headed to Taipei 101's observatory! :D

Bought tickets, and I had student price again woohoo :)

And after waiting in line for a while, we stepped in to the world's fastest lift! :D From th

Amazing view! This was the best I could take haha.

There wasn't any holes in my jeans or anything, I just censored it because my legs were open and it looks quite unglam so I censored it heh. My mom told me my collarbones are scary. :(

And we decide to go to the 91st floor! :D

It was FREEZING COLD (literally!!) so quickly ran back in to the building after taking a few pictures!
After walking around for a bit, took the lift back, and went to get our shopping bags we left in the lockers. :D

Heh. :B
Went back to Taipei Main Station, and my mom was still feeling hungry so ordered chicken cutlet before we went back to our hotel!

Went back to the hotel and released my braids. Voila, I have curly hair.

HAHA. Totally don't suit. I look like such an auntie. -_-
And that's all for Day 3! :)
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