Woke up late again (what's new?) and headed to Xinbeitou for the hot spring! :) Took a train to Beitou first, before changing trains to Xinbeitou.

My mom with the Taipei train as the background.
And the train going to Xinbeitou came and omfg it is so bloody cute!


In the train! Proof that my mom is a terrible photographer as the picture is so slanted (haha like I'm very good liddat. -_-)
When we arrived, and we took the escalator down, we saw this bloody cute decoration!!

It depicts several statues having fun dipping in the hot spring because Xinbeitou is where all the hot springs are congregated!!

My mom excitedly took me that she's touching the statue's ass and I told her it's the head and she was like, "HUH IT'S THE HEAD?! WHERE'S THE ASS?! NO ASS AH?!"
And then she said, "The statues are all girls! All of them don't have lanjiao!"
I've never met a mother who uses such crude language in front of their daughter -_-

Water fountain!

PART OF THE HOT SPRING!! This is the public one, where's there no shelter or anything, you're just supposed to dip your legs in! But my mom wanted to go to the other public one called Thermal Valley, where there's a shelter.
I don't know how to explain leh, there's a difference between these two public places. The former, you can't strip. The latter, you can strip. Because there's a shelter. And the former's water is warm, while the latter's water is boiling hot, like between 70degrees to 90degrees (that's why it's recommended to only stay there for 15 minutes, then get out and rest for about 5 minutes, before going back in! And the maximum time you can spend in there is 1 hour, unless you want to be roasted alive.)
I know my explanation sucks but oh well you have to make do with it and try to understand!
Anyway it was a major disappointment when we got to Thermal Valley...

... only to realize it's under renovation wtfbbq. -____-
So we decided to go back to the other public one, but we walked further uphill to see how Thermal Valley is like!

It's not clear in the picture, but there was steam rising up from the water!

I like these two pictures because I look pretty hehe (omg so thick-skinned).
My mom complained that my smile looks fake and so did my dad when I showed him after I came back. Then they started to comment that my face is really fat. -_- My parents = meanies.
ANYWAYS we headed to the other public hot spring where you can only dip your legs in!!

Haha Auntie Mary looks so happy!

I don't like my knobby knees! They're too damn sharp and whenever I accidentally hit someone with my knee (yknow like when someone's in front of me and I bend my knees forward and it hits them) they'll yelp in pain and tell me that my knee's too damn bony and I'm in complete agreement.
(Of course, my bony knees cannot be compared to Axel's. He's a walking skeleton, I sweaaar)
My mother is very disgusting, after we soaked our legs in for about 20 minutes, we removed them and she started scrubbing away at her feet with her fingers, claiming that the dead skin are very easily removed so she must remove it now. -_-

Evidence #1.

Evidence #2.
Walked around Xinbeitou for a while!

I love seeing old couples, because it gives me hope for the future. And that's a picture of my mom dancing.
Oh and my mom's very clumsy lor, she injured her right toe a few weeks ago and it was still hurting, and when she got out from the hot spring, she said her right toe felt much better. Then while walking up some steps, she snubbed her left toe and now it's injured and it still hurts. -__- So clumsy lor omg.
ANYWAYS we went back to the station and omfg I didn't notice it earlier but the train has a television inside!!!!!!!!!!

Wahlau so much money lor.
And the interior is also decorated very nicely with a jungle theme wallpaper!

Oh and when we got out at Beitou, we saw this really funny sign at the platform floor:

So special!!! HAHA.
Then we took the train to Danshui, and then took a bus to Fisherman's Wharf, because we wanted to see....

It's called "The Lover's Bridge" because (obviously) a lot of lovers go there! And also "The Valentine's Bridge" because it's a famous place for couples to go to during Valentine's, because the bridge illuminates at night and it is really quite beautiful. We didn't stay too long, because it was freezing cold (near the sea, so there's a lot of sea breeze = absolutely freezing) so didn't get to see it, but here's a link for a picture of how it looks like at night! Please click here. 8) Gorgeous, huh?

Absolutely beautiful sunset!
Oh, and I got my caricature done! :D

Hehehehe. It costs NT300, which is roughly S$12!
Anyway, we left at around 6pm, because we couldn't stand the coldness anymore, and took a ferry back to Danshui and walked around Danshui for a while. We went in to Watsons, and I saw this really weird advertisement:

Why the hell is a man advertising eyeshadow????
(And he's not that handsome. Look at his eyebrows! So thick and bushy!)
After that, we took the train back to Taipei Main Station, and left our bags in our hotel before heading out again! :) Took a picture of my caricature:

Look, the artist gave me big boobs hehehehehe (siao)
We saw this book store (located inside an eatery! So unique) and we went in to browse around!

Very well-stocked.
Mom bought a few magazines, and we went to a convenience store to get some drinks. And I saw Milo omg I freaked out because I am addicted to Milo and I was suffering from Milo Withdrawal because all of the eateries in Taipei don't sell Milo but THERE IT WAS AND I BOUGHT IT ON THE SPOT

My most favourite drink in the whole wide world!!
Went to wash the clothes after that, and the hotel provides washing machines and dryers so we made use of it. NT50 for one machine, so it's roughly $2 for one machine. Not that bad!

Yes, I was the one that loaded the clothes into the washer and added the detergent and then proceed to put the clothes in the dryer. I'm a filial daughter. ;)
And that's the end of Day 4 heh.
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