Sunday, January 31, 2010


29th January, Friday:

Stayed back after school to help out with the class noticeboard design!

Went for Girl Guides at 2pm, and I WAS NEARLY BLINDED BY ALICIA (who I still love a lot)!!!!!

We were going to play Captain's Ball, and since I have nothing better to do, I decided to take a video of it. So. First of all, this is a video of Alicia playing with the ball.

This is a video of Alicia hitting the ball into my face.


My right lens SHATTERED and the fragments of plastic got into my right eye!!! I was literally blinded for a while and I just saw red. Then my right eye started to burn like hell, so I hastily dug into my right eye to dig the fragments of plastic out. -_-

To cut a long story short, I went to the clinic to get my right eye checked by a doctor, was examined and released with no permanent damage to my eye, and given eyedrops to be applied every 3 hours.

I am so thankful that I dug out the fragments of plastic out from my eyes! If not I would have be blinded as it might have cut my pupil or my cornea. THANK GOODNESS.

Anyway, couldn't go home straight away since nobody was at home and I didn't bring my keys. So I went back to Guides, and when we were dismissed at 4.30pm, I went back to my class to help the rest finish up the class noticeboard design. :)

Notice that one of the lens is missing! Hahaha. It was weird, having half-clear half-blur vision. LOL.

Peirong stumbled, and I grabbed her legs, but she still fell from the table anyway! And while Peirong was stumbling, Alicia just sat in her chair, staring at Peirong. And then she proceeded to laugh like a mad man!!!

SO MEAN RIGHT, I KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111!!!!!11!!
At least I grabbed her legs! Ok although I wasn't strong enough as she still fell. :P

And then it was approaching 6pm, and I had to leave, because I had to meet Huishan for dinner! So we took some group photos. :)


Took a bus to the library, then to Changi Airport T1 to meet Huishan! :) We took a skytrain to T3 to have our dinner at TCC and now I owe her money. :( Shucks. Hate being in debt!! Anyway, then did some work before calling it a day.

There was this really pretty garden on display, and I like the entrance, so..... :D


Saturday, January 30, 2010

I've been through a lot. I was sexually abused. I was anorexic. I was depressed. I was suicidal. And that was the past. Now? I consider myself a rape survivor, instead of a rape victim. I'm not stick-thin anymore - I actually have flesh on my bones! I'm not depressed anymore, just a realistic optimist. And I'm not suicidal anymore either.

I've learned to live with myself, to accept myself, and to love myself.

So why should I let all these be shattered just because a boy broke up with me just because I lent a hard-disk to an ex? Just because a boy who claimed to love me replaced me in 11 days with another girl? Why should I destroy all the efforts I made to become who I am today just because of a boy?

I will be strong, and this love, this love that I still have for him, I will devote it to something else. I will not think, not obsess, not analyze, and just move on. I will not be stubborn. I will stop crying. I will stop harassing my friends by constantly mourning over him. I will be happy. I will be optimistic. I will stop being an emo bitch.


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Ever since school started,

I can't remember what it's like to not be tired.

And also, I can't remember what it's like to have an unburdened heart.

I've come to a point where I know that nothing I say or do will move your heart anymore. Your heart is no longer fixated on me, but a new girl. I'm no longer special, I'm no longer of importance or significance. I've been replaced. And that fact alone is enough to tear me apart from the inside. But there is nothing I can do, nothing I can say, nothing at all. So I've decided to move the fuck on. No more over-analyzing of a hopeless situation; no more useless hope for a hopeless situation. I am done.

If only I could do this.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Yesterday (25th), Joanne made my day by sending me this really sweet message:

I immediately went from -_- to ^_^! I mean I was really bummed out by the fucking date and then she sent me this message hehehehehe I have the best friends :))))))))))))

Also! Jolene's really sweet too! Haha. My note on my mobile phone was this:

After seeing it, she snatched my phone away and changed it to this:

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. :'))))

AND! Juexin's really sweet too heh she sent me home today!! Walked me all the way to my doorstep.

I AM SO BLESSED!!!!!!!!!! :D


Visited my ahma on the 24th, which is a Sunday, and I went alone! I taught her how to use the camera (hoho)...

Then I tried to take her picture but she refused.

LOL this pose really reminds me of Huishan, Carolyn, Jingting and the rest of my friends who always avoid the camera!!!

Oh and today, during lessons, Carolyn drew my camera pouch on the table!


Stayed back today to help do up the class noticeboard!

Me at the top and the view from the top. HAHA.

I risked my life today by climbing onto a chair that is placed on top of a table just to stick paper clouds on to the ceiling. I fell once and almost broke my leg and almost crushed Alicia (sorry!). I am so nice (ok fine, self-praise is no praise). :B Priscilla also helped put up the clouds!

But I am happy with the overall design, and so is Alicia, who did the most work! Kudos to her. 8)

Went to help Juexin with her class, and left school at 7pm. Went to develop photos, and Juexin accompanied me! Walked me home too. Told you, I have the most awesome friends. :B