And through this period of time, I've been so fucking happy! Delirious with joy and felicitations! Hehe. I'm blessed to have an amazing family, amazing friends, and an amazing boyfriend. It's going to be our second month tomorrow, and I'm very sure that we'll last for years because he's amazing and I'm awesome and together, we cannot fail. ;) Yes, I'm so logical.
I don't regret 2009 though. I'm glad that I was with JH, because, well, that relationship taught me what love really is.
So... update you guys with pictures! I still don't have a camera, but Mr Yip is very nice to lend me the school's DSLR for a couple of weeks :)
140310 - Shopping with Alicia + Dinner with Jingheng

She looks so adorable here!

150310 - Date with Jingheng before he leaves for Genting for 3 fucking days

My handsome boyfriend hehehehe.

Wearing his old hoodie! There's a story about this hoodie, actually. Last year, like around February 2009, I was really bored and it was midnight and I was hungry as well and we were talking and I suggested going to Mac so he fetched me at my block and we walked to 201 from my block and while walking there, a thunderstorm brewed and I was only wearing a singlet and shorts and I was absolutely freezing and he lent me this particular hoodie to wear.
That was when he fell for me, hehe. Too bad he had to wait for another year before he got me :P
190310 - Picnic with HS and Joanne
We only meet up during the holidays, so poor thing right!! We're always so caught up in school-work, sigh. :(
Blur photos because the auto-focus stopped working and I couldn't figure out how to use the manual focus until like, 5 hours later. (inserts very sian face here)

I love this photo of the two of them because they both look so happy!

200310 - Picnic with Carol, Jen & Jolene

200310: UG Gala Night Dinner
Only 2 photos because I was the photographer that night = very few photos of my


and Alan!
Yeah, that's pretty much all. There's a few more photos, but I'm getting lazy, so... the next time I update, I'll upload! Because they're from other cameras, so need to sort out and everything. :o
"That was when he fell for me, hehe. Too bad he had to wait for another year before he got me :P"
Yeah and that was when you started falling for me too HAHAHAHAHA.
> Jingz
Noooo I did not, I told you I had a bad impression of you after Mac because you walked so fast and didn't wait for me to catch up!! I literally had to run to match your pace! :(
-looks at last picture-
"he's amazing and I'm awesome and together, we cannot fail."
"he's awesome and I'm amazing and together, we cannot fail." would be more appropriate LOL.
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