I think sexuality education talks are a big waste of time, and so are career talks, so I'm planning to skip them all!! :B Eh what, its true okay.
Speaking of which, I remembered I skipped the Red Dot museum trip (for D&T) and Mr Wong said he wanted to give 6 hours detention to those who skipped, but I think he forgotten about it since he has not asked me to stay back!! :D
Oh yes, yesterday while my father was fixing my computer (it kept disconnecting), I was bored so I talked about my childhood! :D
I remembered what I was six, I had an accident and my tongue was cut nearly into half (like 3/4 of it, long story) and I was bleeding so much from the mouth! I don't remember crying, but I remember my mom stuffing a towel into my mouth to absorb the blood and a kind, angmoh lady buying ice cubes for me so I could pop it into my mouth and numb the pain.
Then my mom called my [biological] dad, asking if he could pick me up and send me to the hospital since he has a car. In the end, he didn't come so my mom had to carry me to the hospital. At the hospital, I was placed next to a baby that cried a lot. I was changed into hospital garb in front of everyone (-___-), and I remembered my mom bringing in a foldable bed and sleeping next to me almost everyday until I was released.
I don't remember the operation to stitch back my tongue but my mom told me I was sedated but I woke up in the middle of the operation when they were still stitching back my tongue and they froze because they thought I was going to start crying because ITS PAINFUL (like duh) but I just stared blankly so they continued sewing my tongue back, while I was completely awake!
Hee. I even have a certificate of bravery presented to me. Shall upload the picture of it someday. :D
Oh yes, and I remembered I had my childhood bestfriend! Myra Tan. :) I would always go to her house (she just lived one floor below me) and we would either study together or play detectives!
I still remembered the names we gave ourselves, I was Detective Mandy and she was Detective Jessica. LOL. YOU MIGHT BE LAUGHING AT THIS BUT REMEMBER WE WERE ONLY LIKE 4 TO 7 YEARS OLD!!! :B
I still remember my favourite teacher, Mr Chan. He was very nice, he was about 60+ I think? He told me he treated me like his very own granddaughter. I wonder how he is now, I miss him :/ He was not like a typical teacher, he would tell us stories, jokes, riddles, etc. :'( I really miss him!!! He called me 'Lingling'.
And when I was young, I got sick very often. I vomited like almost everyday, and I always vomit out my food. I had a lot of medicine to eat, and its so difficult to swallow them down as I always vomit them back out. I think that was why I was so skinny when I was small! :B Even when I was P6, I was like 28kg? But now I'm 40+ kg so yeah at least my health has improved leaps & bounds :)
And also, I remember the name of my very first crush! Daniel. He was a Malay, and he sat next to me. Hee. :x He was very handsome. HAHAHAHA! I was P1. And my second crush was Kenrich! Yea, thats his name, no kidding. I called him 'Cabbage'. :x And we used to play catching with each another! And my third crush was Lucas. Then I forgot all the order already, but I still remember their names! Jun Hao, Isaac, Ignatius, Cheng Kai, Sean, Marvin.
Ahem! It might seem like I have a lot of crushes, but it's normal!! :s
Still have more, but secondary school one leh! Better keep their names to myself, LOL.
Omg, I babbled so much about my childhood -.-
Moving on to school :D
Immature Najeera playing bounce on my old-school phone :D
I let in to you a cheat code - if you have this game, and you love playing it, but you hate dying, type in 787898. You'll never die after that! Mwahaha.
But I guess thats a good thing because then I will also never stop laughing :D
Her laughter is so retarded, it'll make you laugh too :x
Anyway, I told my father I wanted to put braces because I have buck teeth and it is not nice. He told me nothing is wrong with my teeth and told me that my only problem is that MY TEETH ARE VERY BIG!!!
Really meh?!?! I've always thought that they are normal-sized!!
Oh yeah, History presentation was today! Mdm Nisha said our group slides are very nicely done and they were done by me. HEEEEEEEEEE. :D See, I'm a genius :)
By the way, today, during recess, Jennifer Carolyn Najeera Nora and I usually sit together but Juexin Jasnyn Jingting Jolene joined us and so it got really packed and they decided to play 'Heart Attack' but they changed the name to 'Breast Cancer'.
IT WAS SUPER HILARIOUS WHEN THEY SHOUTED "BREAST CANCER" LA! Carolyn is super enthu!!! She literally SHOUTED!!!!! The loudest of all. :x She used to be so quiet!!! Must be because of Jennifer!
I don't know why but I'm super happy nowadays. Too bad I'm having menses, makes me feel so exhausted + body aches all over, so it dampens my mood a bit.
I try not to let things get to me too much nowadays :D You'll be much happier that way, not letting words get to you, not letting whatever get to you. :)
It's difficult to hold things in, but for me, it's even more difficult to let things out. I'll feel like such a burden, unloading my problems on someone who probably has even more problems than me. I only talk about my relationship problems with my friends, thats really all. Other than that, I try to pretend that everything is alright, because when everybody thinks you're alright, you forget for a while that you're not.
What I really cannot stand, is when my friends unleash their anger on me. Sometimes I would just say, "Its okay, you can vent on me." But how can you just suddenly talk to me, and start typing in caps and start raving like a stark lunatic about how wrong your life is and how bad things are? You're not the only one that has problems.
Oh, YOU KNOW WHAT IS THE BEST OF ALL? I once had this friend, she was having a fight with one of my another friend. I don't take sides at all, because I find it immature to do so [nobody is ever fully right] so this friend got very pissed off me and start SCOLDING ME FOR BEING A BAD FRIEND! Obviously I was very upset and I cried. But I realized that friends like that, they're not worth crying over.
See, I don't really bother to cry over unimportant things. Friends are important, but if they don't bother to understand you and just get angry at you for no reason at all, WHY EVEN WASTE TEARS ON THEM?! In your life, people are going to hurt you, but it's up to you to decide who's really worth the pain.
Also, I really hate it when people tell me that love hurts!! LOVE NEVER HURTS! You want to know what love is? Love is living your own life, but SHARING it. Love is forgiveness. Love is making a hundred of thousands of mistakes and being able to forgive and turn these mistakes into learning experiences. Love is patient. Love is optimism. Love is accepting someone for who they are, flaws and all. Love is looking past their mistakes. Love is healing. Love is honesty. Love is loyalty. Love is faithful.
Love does not HURT. Losing love HURTS. Being lied to HURTS. Being betrayed/cheated HURTS. Being forgotten HURTS. Being misunderstood HURTS. But love, LOVE WILL NEVER HURT YOU. Love will never walk away too, only people do.
Her laughter is so retarded, it'll make you laugh too :x
Anyway, I told my father I wanted to put braces because I have buck teeth and it is not nice. He told me nothing is wrong with my teeth and told me that my only problem is that MY TEETH ARE VERY BIG!!!
Really meh?!?! I've always thought that they are normal-sized!!
Oh yeah, History presentation was today! Mdm Nisha said our group slides are very nicely done and they were done by me. HEEEEEEEEEE. :D See, I'm a genius :)
By the way, today, during recess, Jennifer Carolyn Najeera Nora and I usually sit together but Juexin Jasnyn Jingting Jolene joined us and so it got really packed and they decided to play 'Heart Attack' but they changed the name to 'Breast Cancer'.
IT WAS SUPER HILARIOUS WHEN THEY SHOUTED "BREAST CANCER" LA! Carolyn is super enthu!!! She literally SHOUTED!!!!! The loudest of all. :x She used to be so quiet!!! Must be because of Jennifer!
I don't know why but I'm super happy nowadays. Too bad I'm having menses, makes me feel so exhausted + body aches all over, so it dampens my mood a bit.
I try not to let things get to me too much nowadays :D You'll be much happier that way, not letting words get to you, not letting whatever get to you. :)
It's difficult to hold things in, but for me, it's even more difficult to let things out. I'll feel like such a burden, unloading my problems on someone who probably has even more problems than me. I only talk about my relationship problems with my friends, thats really all. Other than that, I try to pretend that everything is alright, because when everybody thinks you're alright, you forget for a while that you're not.
What I really cannot stand, is when my friends unleash their anger on me. Sometimes I would just say, "Its okay, you can vent on me." But how can you just suddenly talk to me, and start typing in caps and start raving like a stark lunatic about how wrong your life is and how bad things are? You're not the only one that has problems.
Oh, YOU KNOW WHAT IS THE BEST OF ALL? I once had this friend, she was having a fight with one of my another friend. I don't take sides at all, because I find it immature to do so [nobody is ever fully right] so this friend got very pissed off me and start SCOLDING ME FOR BEING A BAD FRIEND! Obviously I was very upset and I cried. But I realized that friends like that, they're not worth crying over.
See, I don't really bother to cry over unimportant things. Friends are important, but if they don't bother to understand you and just get angry at you for no reason at all, WHY EVEN WASTE TEARS ON THEM?! In your life, people are going to hurt you, but it's up to you to decide who's really worth the pain.
Also, I really hate it when people tell me that love hurts!! LOVE NEVER HURTS! You want to know what love is? Love is living your own life, but SHARING it. Love is forgiveness. Love is making a hundred of thousands of mistakes and being able to forgive and turn these mistakes into learning experiences. Love is patient. Love is optimism. Love is accepting someone for who they are, flaws and all. Love is looking past their mistakes. Love is healing. Love is honesty. Love is loyalty. Love is faithful.
Love does not HURT. Losing love HURTS. Being lied to HURTS. Being betrayed/cheated HURTS. Being forgotten HURTS. Being misunderstood HURTS. But love, LOVE WILL NEVER HURT YOU. Love will never walk away too, only people do.
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