Sunday, August 16, 2009

Been staying at home lately. :D Can't be fucked to go out and gallivant. MRT is too squeezy, the bus is too musky and walking is tiring. Idk, nowadays I rather stay at home and read a book. :B

Anyway, on Saturday, Huishan came over to study and ended up sleeping on my bed. I don't know what it is with my bed but everyone that comes over to my house will somehow end up asleep on my bed. I think they're all attracted to my smell or something.... :p Am not deluded!

I have pictures but I'm damn lazy to transfer. I'm transforming into Junhao >.>
Anyway I do have some pictures of my science project so....

Tadaaaaaaaaah :D

Whatever, I know it is not a Pythagoras switch but whatever. I'm lazy. Carolyn's lazy. 8) At least we came up with something that resembles one right..... :p

Me hard at work. :D Will upload the video.... soon.

(Note: During the presentation, people commented that my flooring is nice and that my room is very pretty. ;) Wooooo~)

I am hooked on J.CO's yogurt, no thanks to my mom.

Today I visited my ahma and her friends said I am very filial, because they see me visiting all the time. ;) Also, they said I am pretty and slender and that I will grow up to be a 'great beauty' hehehehehe..... ok, not true, but it is nice being complimented even if the compliments are not necessarily true.

Show you guys porn.........


HEHE ok byeeeeeeeeeee :D

(PS: I don't want to go to school anymore! T_T)


Jun Hao said...


Weiling said...

> Junhao

Your favourite right hehe

JINGHENG!!! said...

Woo porn~

dean said...