I am so fucking appalled... look, you are already 15, so will you please grow the fuck up!? I think it's rather shallow how you think appearance comes before personality. Do you really think all pretty things are nice and that all ugly things are bad? Seriously? ._.
Sheesh, maybe it's because you have no self-esteem at all, but calling people fat won't make you any slimmer; calling people stupid won't make you any smarter; calling people ugly won't make you any prettier. You're really just insulting yourself, instead of insulting the other party. I think that all the hating should stop... do you really think that when you hate someone, you're only hurting them? No, hatred is a curved blade. The harm that we do to others; we also do to ourselves.
C'mon, we are already 15. I think all of us need to stop breaking each other down, stop comparing each other, stop putting each other down and hurting everyone in the process. We are all beautiful in our own ways, and just because a couple of people doesn't think so doesn't make you any less beautiful. Extremely cliche, I know, but I'm stating facts. :D
Yay for optimism!
(PS: I sound like such a cheerful douchebag HAHA.)
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Hello to you the turtle jackass who loves hurting my friend by escaping from problems while dumping it all on her. Where is your responsibility? I hope you don’t call yourself a man because if you do, then you are degrading the male species. I don’t think they go around telling people that they still love them and then go MIA and avoid the person thereafter. I am telling you now to keep your hands (and meaningless bullshit that you call words) off her because just in case you haven’t realized, she already has more than enough to deal with and she doesn’t need you, a worthless vermin, to add misery to her life. Do not just interrupt her life as though it’s yours. She’s been doing fine, perfectly fine in fact, without you and she doesn’t need you at all, you understand? Who are you to jump back into her life as and when you like and fuck it all up with words you don’t even mean, judging by your actions(or lack thereof)? She’s not your damn toy either, in case you haven’t realized. Just fucking wake up already and stop being such a coward by running away from the problem. Face it or lose it.
It's an open letter to Lily Allen in song format, regarding her recent campaign against filesharing and her decision to quit music. Ok you'll only get this video if you know who Lily Allen is. And know her songs' titles. BUT NEVERTHELESS, GREAT VIDEO.
It was Dasara ystd, and if you don't know what it is, it is probably because you are not Nepalese. HAHA. It's some kind of Indian festival... or something. I'm not very sure myself but I have to celebrate it anyway. And I don't mind, because I collected $190 yesterday from the angbaos. :) I am very pleased. :D
Pictures with my mom! The yellow stuff you see on my hair are just flower petals. They are meant to be thrown on top of me to symbolize purification of the soul or something, I can't remember too. HAHA. And the white stuff on my mom's forehead is just dried rice. It symbolizes peace or something I can't remember!!!! I had it on my forehead as well but my fringe covered it up.

Oh yeah she requested for a second one because she claimed in the first picture, she looks very fat. Thus in the second picture she used me to shield her "flabby tummy"... -_- Cannot stand my mom sometimes.
The book that I ordered during the book fair is finally here! :D Charles Dicken, Great Expectations. Need to put it aside for the time being though, and concentrate on my exams. :/ CAN'T WAIT FOR EXAMS TO BE OVER. Can't wait for MY LIIIIIIIFE to be over. Sickening. Living, I mean.
Oh and it is quite true that if you are a Literature student (and you actually take the subject SERIOUSLY), you'll be more empathetic and understanding. :) And that you'll be more analytical and observant! Because you're trained to do so in Literature. :B
Btw I rly hate it when people dislike certain people because their friends don't like them. Or when people act a certain way or say certain things because it's what their friends are doing. :/ Can't even stand up for themselves. Ewwwwwwww.
KBAI. :)
Today, I lived. Tomorrow? I will live again.
Pictures with my mom! The yellow stuff you see on my hair are just flower petals. They are meant to be thrown on top of me to symbolize purification of the soul or something, I can't remember too. HAHA. And the white stuff on my mom's forehead is just dried rice. It symbolizes peace or something I can't remember!!!! I had it on my forehead as well but my fringe covered it up.

Oh yeah she requested for a second one because she claimed in the first picture, she looks very fat. Thus in the second picture she used me to shield her "flabby tummy"... -_- Cannot stand my mom sometimes.
The book that I ordered during the book fair is finally here! :D Charles Dicken, Great Expectations. Need to put it aside for the time being though, and concentrate on my exams. :/ CAN'T WAIT FOR EXAMS TO BE OVER. Can't wait for MY LIIIIIIIFE to be over. Sickening. Living, I mean.
Oh and it is quite true that if you are a Literature student (and you actually take the subject SERIOUSLY), you'll be more empathetic and understanding. :) And that you'll be more analytical and observant! Because you're trained to do so in Literature. :B
Btw I rly hate it when people dislike certain people because their friends don't like them. Or when people act a certain way or say certain things because it's what their friends are doing. :/ Can't even stand up for themselves. Ewwwwwwww.
KBAI. :)
Today, I lived. Tomorrow? I will live again.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Dead tired. Omg this blog has became a space for me to rant... haha well, that's what happens when you're a stressed student. Nevermind, at least now my blog title suits my blog :) Hehe.
Anyway I've my F&N exam practical this Friday... and I haven't come up with my recipes. I srsly don't belong in this course. -__- But Literature is still as fun as usual. I love researching for the things required to be researched. I gain so much more knowledge :) As for cooking, I'll either just marry a chef or hire a maid or eat out/home delivery. :D But still have to do well for F&N bcus it affects my Os. -_- Annoyed.
I didn't sleep ystd either so today was horrible; trying to stay awake through lessons. Was wishing desperately for a cup of coffee to fly to me but... yeah impossible. T.T Suffered throughout. Oh but I annoyed Carolyn throughout the day too. :) By singing, "It's peanut butter jelly time, peanut butter jelly time, peanut butter jelly time!" repeatedly until she got very pissed off at me hahaha. :p
Anyway now that I'm home I don't feel so tired. Going to start on my recipe now, and undone Lit assignments. Am quite excited for the school's monthly newsletter bcus I'm going to have an article in it, yay! And the yearbook. Woo. :)
Anyway I've my F&N exam practical this Friday... and I haven't come up with my recipes. I srsly don't belong in this course. -__- But Literature is still as fun as usual. I love researching for the things required to be researched. I gain so much more knowledge :) As for cooking, I'll either just marry a chef or hire a maid or eat out/home delivery. :D But still have to do well for F&N bcus it affects my Os. -_- Annoyed.
I didn't sleep ystd either so today was horrible; trying to stay awake through lessons. Was wishing desperately for a cup of coffee to fly to me but... yeah impossible. T.T Suffered throughout. Oh but I annoyed Carolyn throughout the day too. :) By singing, "It's peanut butter jelly time, peanut butter jelly time, peanut butter jelly time!" repeatedly until she got very pissed off at me hahaha. :p
Anyway now that I'm home I don't feel so tired. Going to start on my recipe now, and undone Lit assignments. Am quite excited for the school's monthly newsletter bcus I'm going to have an article in it, yay! And the yearbook. Woo. :)
Currently 5:07am and I'm not asleep yet. Feeling quite depressed. I have no idea if this is just a passing mood or a relapse but to be optimistic it is a passing mood and I'll be fine by the time I reach school. But for now I am, to be specific, disappointed and upset and also rather hungry. For the longest time I've been second guessing myself all over the place, wondering if what I'm doing is right or wrong. You know what I really hate? Consequences. I have to consider the consequences of every action and I can't do something because the consequences will be not in my favour. I hate this feeling of being caged, like I can't do something just because of the fucking consequences. Right now I'm unhappy and I know the source of the unhappiness but I fucking can't do anything about it because I've examined the situation on so many levels but the consequences are still dire. I don't know what to do. I seriously wish that an answer will just fall into my lap from the skies, so that I won't have to contemplate on what to do. I'm so sick of contemplating; I just want to be decisive and take control of my life but I can't because I'll hurt too many people and it'll ruin my reputation and I'll be quite a disgrace. So I can't. So I'm forced to being wimpy and unhappy with how things are. There will be an answer... let it be. Well, I'm running short on patience. And I just want everything to fall into place and I can finally sit back and relax and stop being so tense and paranoid everyday. I just want things to be better.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Saturday, September 26, 2009
I am so tired! Been plagued with a headache since this morning. :/
Anw I was browsing thru Stomp, Singapore Seen & this article caught my eye. So annoying, can't believe this type of cruel bullying still exist. Can't believe this type of GIRLS actually still exist! They're such a disgrace. :/ Tsk.
Anw I was browsing thru Stomp, Singapore Seen & this article caught my eye. So annoying, can't believe this type of cruel bullying still exist. Can't believe this type of GIRLS actually still exist! They're such a disgrace. :/ Tsk.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Hi guys!
I'm currently on a hiatus until I feel like blogging again, so goodbye for now. :D However, I have a quote + picture site on Tumblr now, it's http://g33ky.tumblr.com and please do note that it is a quote + picture site - whatever I post there, doesn't mean I feel that way or that my relationship with Junhao is over. I'm just dumping all the quotes + pictures I've collected over the years, ok? :)
(PS: I am quite happy! Half a year with Junhao this Friday. :) Woo. Time flies!)
(PSS: My dad got me 2 new books recently. :D I AM VERY HAPPY. <3)
I'm currently on a hiatus until I feel like blogging again, so goodbye for now. :D However, I have a quote + picture site on Tumblr now, it's http://g33ky.tumblr.com and please do note that it is a quote + picture site - whatever I post there, doesn't mean I feel that way or that my relationship with Junhao is over. I'm just dumping all the quotes + pictures I've collected over the years, ok? :)
(PS: I am quite happy! Half a year with Junhao this Friday. :) Woo. Time flies!)
(PSS: My dad got me 2 new books recently. :D I AM VERY HAPPY. <3)
Saturday, September 12, 2009
A teenager is a person who can't remember to walk the dog but never forgets a phone number. A weight watcher who goes on a diet by giving up candy before breakfast. A youngster who receives her allowance on Monday and spends it on Tuesday and borrows her best friend's allowance on Wednesday. Someone who can hear her favorite singer three blocks away, but not her mom in the next room. A whiz who can operate the latest computer without a lesson, but can't make a bed. A student who spends twelve minutes studying for history, but twelve hours studying for her driver's license. An enthusiast who has the energy to bike four miles, but is too tired to do the dishes. A young woman who loves the cat and tolerates the little brother. A romantic who never falls in love for more than a week. A budding beauty who never smiles until her braces come off. A boy who can sleep 'til noon on any Saturday when he expects the lawn needs mowing. And an original thinker who is positive that her mother was never a teenager.
(This quote is SO true haha)
(This quote is SO true haha)
Sleepover woo
So... after staying at Carolyn's house from Wednesday till Friday, I went home around 12pm. :D Huishan wanted to come to my house to study and then I convinced her to convince her mom to let her sleepover at my house because NO ONE has ever slept at my house so YEAH. :D
Oh yeah and I told her to message me when she's about two more stops away from my house, then I'll go fetch her. And when she messaged me, I left my house and I didn't bring my handphone along. I waited at the bus stop for her for very long, and two buses that comes to my house from her house came by and yet still no sign of her.
Suddenly after approximately a decade later, someone tapped me on the shoulder.
It was Huishan! I was like, "Eh how come I didn't see you alighting from the bus!?" Then she started telling me about how she took bus 21 and missed a stop and walked to my house, expecting to see me there then realized my slippers weren't there so she walked to the bus stop to find me as she knew I was there and she said, "WHY YOU NEVER BRING YOUR HANDPHONE!" And she started complaining about how heavy her bag was (she said she brought half of her study table along with her) and how tiring it was to walk for so long. :O
When we reached my house, I went to my room and there were 2 missed calls (omg reminds me of that movie haha) and a message.

I died laughing. :p
Oh btw, she's not "awesome". She changed her contact name herself. :p Hehe but my name in her contact list is even nicer :> :> :>
We took out our books and started studying.
Then she saw my mini Doraemon vacuum cleaner and she was so shocked and started testing it out.

She asked me, "Why is it not sucking my fingers in even though I put my finger inside?"
I merely looked at her and proceeded back to my TYS. :p

I also don't know why my face is so crooked. Hmph.

Shifted my keyboard to the other table to make space for both of us to study at the bigger table. And she wanted to sign in to her MSN to talk to her boyfriend. So she has to make do with typing at the other side HAHA very troublesome but "I NEED TO TALK TO MY BOYFRIIIIIIIEND!!!!"
We were damn fascinated by this HAHAHA ok might not be funny to you but DAMN FUNNY TO US HAHAHA.

I want that shirt. :( I went for the P5 camp (or did I not?) SO WHY I DON'T HAVE THE CAMP TEE. BITCH. :(

I found the difference between the small and the big chocolate to be damn cute hehe.
I crashed around 1am because Maths DRAINS me (literally) and Huishan slept around 4am (VAMPIRE) and woke up at 9am. Woo. I am 3/4 done with my TYS! :D Woo. I have one maths worksheet to complete. I shall copy the exercise book homework.
I am going off now to iron clothes BYEEEEEEEEEEE
Oh yeah and I told her to message me when she's about two more stops away from my house, then I'll go fetch her. And when she messaged me, I left my house and I didn't bring my handphone along. I waited at the bus stop for her for very long, and two buses that comes to my house from her house came by and yet still no sign of her.
Suddenly after approximately a decade later, someone tapped me on the shoulder.
It was Huishan! I was like, "Eh how come I didn't see you alighting from the bus!?" Then she started telling me about how she took bus 21 and missed a stop and walked to my house, expecting to see me there then realized my slippers weren't there so she walked to the bus stop to find me as she knew I was there and she said, "WHY YOU NEVER BRING YOUR HANDPHONE!" And she started complaining about how heavy her bag was (she said she brought half of her study table along with her) and how tiring it was to walk for so long. :O
When we reached my house, I went to my room and there were 2 missed calls (omg reminds me of that movie haha) and a message.

I died laughing. :p
Oh btw, she's not "awesome". She changed her contact name herself. :p Hehe but my name in her contact list is even nicer :> :> :>
We took out our books and started studying.
Then she saw my mini Doraemon vacuum cleaner and she was so shocked and started testing it out.

She asked me, "Why is it not sucking my fingers in even though I put my finger inside?"
I merely looked at her and proceeded back to my TYS. :p

I also don't know why my face is so crooked. Hmph.

Shifted my keyboard to the other table to make space for both of us to study at the bigger table. And she wanted to sign in to her MSN to talk to her boyfriend. So she has to make do with typing at the other side HAHA very troublesome but "I NEED TO TALK TO MY BOYFRIIIIIIIEND!!!!"
We were damn fascinated by this HAHAHA ok might not be funny to you but DAMN FUNNY TO US HAHAHA.

I want that shirt. :( I went for the P5 camp (or did I not?) SO WHY I DON'T HAVE THE CAMP TEE. BITCH. :(

I found the difference between the small and the big chocolate to be damn cute hehe.
I crashed around 1am because Maths DRAINS me (literally) and Huishan slept around 4am (VAMPIRE) and woke up at 9am. Woo. I am 3/4 done with my TYS! :D Woo. I have one maths worksheet to complete. I shall copy the exercise book homework.
I am going off now to iron clothes BYEEEEEEEEEEE
Friday, September 11, 2009
Pictures! :D

^ This is supposed to be a caricature of Carolyn! DON'T RESEMBLE HER AT ALL. SHE DOESN'T PLAY TENNIS OR BADMINTON HAHAHA.


^ HAHAHAHA "Figure as good as Weiling's"

^ A message from Jennifer to Ryan, Carolyn's brother ~_~

^ Carolyn's dog is so cute!!! :D :D :D :D :D

Sleepover at Carolyn's house for 3D2N + when Alicia came over to my house to "study".
Ok back to my TYS! Huishan helped me with like, 60% of the questions hehehe. It is GOOD to have someone who's good in Maths besides you :D Byeeeeeeee!!!
Hais HS the retard posting
When it all amounts to nothing in the end!
Weiling thinks that Huishan is DAMN AWESOME. :)
(IIIIIIIIIIIIII won't worry my life awayyyyyy) We r not going to sleep 2nite lyk z0mq o n coffiibiin r0xx0rsxz newaes Weiling is trying to GET A PHOTO OF ME. :OOOOOOOOOO
Amath will be the bane of my existence. :( :( :( :(
Hi I'm Weiling everything above is typed by Huishan she's high on whipped cream and caffeine. Just now she went to my brother's room to get a piece of tissue as my room didn't have and when she was there she saw my brother's room's gigantic mirrors and modern computer and TV and PS3 and she exclaimed, "WOW YOUR BROTHER CAN LIVE HERE! Except there's no toilet."
I proceeded to tell her, jokingly, that there is a built-in toilet in his wardrobe and she went like, "OH MY GOD REALLY?????????????????????" And started poking at the wardrobe, expecting it to magically open (hehehehe) and then when she saw me laughing hysterically she asked me to go and die. :(
Therefore, this shows that she is a dumb blonde.
Oh, and also, her classmate's junior asked her where did cat shit come from. Right.
Ok back to her insane rants.
I have a twitter! Since 4evah!! Actually it'll look cooler as Twittre. Not.
Weiling thinks that Huishan is DAMN AWESOME. :)
(IIIIIIIIIIIIII won't worry my life awayyyyyy) We r not going to sleep 2nite lyk z0mq o n coffiibiin r0xx0rsxz newaes Weiling is trying to GET A PHOTO OF ME. :OOOOOOOOOO
Amath will be the bane of my existence. :( :( :( :(
Hi I'm Weiling everything above is typed by Huishan she's high on whipped cream and caffeine. Just now she went to my brother's room to get a piece of tissue as my room didn't have and when she was there she saw my brother's room's gigantic mirrors and modern computer and TV and PS3 and she exclaimed, "WOW YOUR BROTHER CAN LIVE HERE! Except there's no toilet."
I proceeded to tell her, jokingly, that there is a built-in toilet in his wardrobe and she went like, "OH MY GOD REALLY?????????????????????" And started poking at the wardrobe, expecting it to magically open (hehehehe) and then when she saw me laughing hysterically she asked me to go and die. :(
Therefore, this shows that she is a dumb blonde.
Oh, and also, her classmate's junior asked her where did cat shit come from. Right.
Ok back to her insane rants.
I have a twitter! Since 4evah!! Actually it'll look cooler as Twittre. Not.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Do you like my new bedroom slippers? ^^
Hehe. My mom got them for me a few days ago! :> I hinted her, then she went with my dad to get it. Awwwwwwww, how sweet... it's the first time someone actually took my hint! Haha.
Also, she told me that she allows me to go overseas with a friend! As long it is of the female variety. AWESOME OR WHAT?!?! :D :D :D :D :D "Why not? I think you're old enough, as long as you don't come back pregnant or carrying some weird disease." LOL. My mom is so COOOOOOOL ^^
Monday: Watched 'The Proposal' with Junhao. :B Then went to J.Co to have yogurt (I am totally in love with it, TOTALLY.IN.LOVE) and then talked for a while before I went home early because I have tuition!
Tuesday: Alicia came over and stole my dress (hehe), used my mask and cook for me. :D I am apparently the second person she cooked for. I feel so honoured ^^ Jen came over around 3pm, and she left around 5pm. Alicia left at 6pm. I went for tuition. Woo.
I am going out with Huishan + Joanne tmr, then I'm going to Carolyn's house at night and sleepover till FRIDAY haha. :p
Pictures tmr! My USB cable is being a bitch

I am a coward. Forgive me for what remained unsaid.
When you truly care for someone, you don't look for faults. You don't look for answers. You don't look for mistakes. Instead, you fight the mistakes. You accept the faults and you overlook excuses. The measure of love is when you love without measure. There are rare chances that you'll meet the person you love and who loves you in return. So once you have it, don't let it go. The chance may never come your way again.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Saturday, September 5, 2009
National Schools Literature Festival 2009
Reached school at 7am and discussed about our debate, I WAS TRYING MY BEST TO REMAIN CALM AND COMPOSED. :B When our bus came and we boarded the bus to St. Andrews, I STARTED TO PANIC BUT I STILL REMAINED CALM....
But when I was in the classroom, I totally lost my cool. :p :p :p
I was very nervous, and also very pissed off! There was this guy in the Evergreen Sec team that came up to us and said, "Hello!" And I thought he was a very polite boy, until he said, "Just to let you know, you're going to lose today." And smirked a very annoying smirk.
Raina was the worst, she got the most angry :p HAHA. They (the proposition) were very condescending! >:(
Anyway, in the end, we showed them because....
HEHEHEHEHEHEHE. If you can't make out what Jennifer is saying, she is screaming, "WE WON!" :D :D :D :D
The past 1 week has not gone to waste ^^ We were very intimidated at first, because they look very intelligent, wearing blazers and all, but after the debate, realized that they are on the same level as us. :) I'm not insulting them, btw. And the judge complimented me! :D "The second speaker [Wei Ling aka ME!!!!] from the opposition team have a very good argument." HEHEHEHEHEHEE.
After the debate, went to view some of the programmes going on and we ordered a few books as there was a book fair or something there. ^^ Woo. Assembled back at 12.30pm for the prize-giving ceremony!!!!!!!!!! :D I almost died of anticipation in there. When the host announced our school, I was like "YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY" and I teared a little I WAS SO ELATED! :D So was Jennifer! Max had no emotions, as per normal. Raina was like WOO, everyone was like WOO! :D
Went to have lunch at BBQ Chicken with Jennifer afterwards, and then we went to Haji Lane as Jen wants to buy a new bag (rich kid) and then to Bugis Junction afterwards to walk around. I MANAGED TO DRAG HER INSIDE BUGIS STREET, A PLACE WHERE SHE SWORE NEVER TO STEP INTO, MWAHAHAHA, THE POWER OF MY PERSUASIVENESS!!!! Went to a random food stop in Bugis Junction to have a drink. My hot chocolate was good, but it costs $4 -_- Crazy price.
Pictures~ :)

Went to my grandma's house for dinner and happily announced my victory! 8) WOO.
It is 12.06am now, very sleepy. Going to sleep now.
Nights everybody! :D
(PS: I am using my mom's laptop to blog this. My handphone is still dead, my computer is still dead, but whatever. You guys can email me if you want. Hehe.)
Reached school at 7am and discussed about our debate, I WAS TRYING MY BEST TO REMAIN CALM AND COMPOSED. :B When our bus came and we boarded the bus to St. Andrews, I STARTED TO PANIC BUT I STILL REMAINED CALM....
But when I was in the classroom, I totally lost my cool. :p :p :p
I was very nervous, and also very pissed off! There was this guy in the Evergreen Sec team that came up to us and said, "Hello!" And I thought he was a very polite boy, until he said, "Just to let you know, you're going to lose today." And smirked a very annoying smirk.
Raina was the worst, she got the most angry :p HAHA. They (the proposition) were very condescending! >:(
Anyway, in the end, we showed them because....
HEHEHEHEHEHEHE. If you can't make out what Jennifer is saying, she is screaming, "WE WON!" :D :D :D :D
The past 1 week has not gone to waste ^^ We were very intimidated at first, because they look very intelligent, wearing blazers and all, but after the debate, realized that they are on the same level as us. :) I'm not insulting them, btw. And the judge complimented me! :D "The second speaker [Wei Ling aka ME!!!!] from the opposition team have a very good argument." HEHEHEHEHEHEE.
After the debate, went to view some of the programmes going on and we ordered a few books as there was a book fair or something there. ^^ Woo. Assembled back at 12.30pm for the prize-giving ceremony!!!!!!!!!! :D I almost died of anticipation in there. When the host announced our school, I was like "YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY" and I teared a little I WAS SO ELATED! :D So was Jennifer! Max had no emotions, as per normal. Raina was like WOO, everyone was like WOO! :D
Went to have lunch at BBQ Chicken with Jennifer afterwards, and then we went to Haji Lane as Jen wants to buy a new bag (rich kid) and then to Bugis Junction afterwards to walk around. I MANAGED TO DRAG HER INSIDE BUGIS STREET, A PLACE WHERE SHE SWORE NEVER TO STEP INTO, MWAHAHAHA, THE POWER OF MY PERSUASIVENESS!!!! Went to a random food stop in Bugis Junction to have a drink. My hot chocolate was good, but it costs $4 -_- Crazy price.
Pictures~ :)

Went to my grandma's house for dinner and happily announced my victory! 8) WOO.
It is 12.06am now, very sleepy. Going to sleep now.
Nights everybody! :D
(PS: I am using my mom's laptop to blog this. My handphone is still dead, my computer is still dead, but whatever. You guys can email me if you want. Hehe.)
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