Monday, October 12, 2009

I don't like it when girls expect their boyfriends to be fucking perfect and whine on their blogs about how unchivalrous he is. "He never does this for me, he never does that for me." If you want to be treated like a fucking queen, then treat your man like a fucking king. That's the rule of thumb. Only kings belong to queens, so if you treat your man like a slave, don't expect him to treat you like a fucking queen. If I, a girl, am able to understand that, so should you.

Vice versa too. If you want to be treated like a king, treat her like a queen. If you can't give her your best, then don't expect her to give you her best either.


Anonymous said...

i agree. my gf always bitch about me on her blog, saying that i dont care for her, and her friends all think im mistreating her so they always try to persuade her to ditch me. its very annoying. -'-

Anonymous said...

sorry to ask, you broke up with JunHao?

Weiling said...

> Anon 1

Haha hope things get better between your gf and you soon :):)

> Anon 2

Tentativelyyyyyyy I think