If there is a God, he does not like me very much.

Currently reading the second book (there is the third and fourth book) of the vampire chronicles. The first book is Interview with the Vampire and it was so thrilling and sensual. :O So is this one! Way better than Twilight.
Btw the only reason why the cover is so cracked because my uncle passed the books down to me and they were from 1995, so.... not my fault. I take very good care of my books, don't be mistaken alright.
Oh and about 3pm, I started writing in my journal because I was bored (and I didn't want to read) when this angmoh approached me and asked if I am writing a draft for a novel. I was too dazzled by his blue eyes to speak (HAHA).
So he peeked at my journal and I quickly covered it and went, "Oh no no it's my diary!" And he was like, "Oh! Oh my god, I am so sorry! You just seemed so intense, I thought you were writing a story. I'm a book publisher, so I was interested in reading because young teenagers are quite talented in story-writing nowadays."
I was like, woooooooooooooooooooooooooah if I really was writing a story, I could become an author!!! HAHAHA. He apologized again and said goodbye and I was like, wooooooooooooah. Totally speechless! :O
Then I started to pack my things, and then it rained. Bitch.
Went to Daiso and I was in Heaven for about 1 hour. :B (Just realized they sell full-length leggings for just $2, while blogshops are selling them for minimum $8. Unless it's an used one, then minimum is $5. I was awestruck. Too bad there's only black and white.)
Went home shortly after.
Schedule for the rest of November before I leave for Taipei:
- 20th November: MPH Warehouse Sale with HS
- 21st November: The Apparel, Bags and Shoes sale by myself
- 23rd November: Angel from Heaven (local play) at Substation
- 25th November: 8th month with Junhao
- 26th November: Showoff (local play) at Substation
- 27th November: GOODBYE SINGAPORE

I may be emotional but at least I’m not weak. It takes a strong individual to admit defeat and
have the courage to cry every now and then.
hey, just want to ask where did you get the happy birthday shades from? i wna get them for my friend's upcoming birthday! thanks :)
> Anonymous
Bugis St :)
I'm not sure of the shop's name, I didn't take notice! Just continue walking straight from the entrance of Bugis St and at the right side there are some booths (not stores), then you turn right and walk all the way to the end. It's the last store!
(Hopefully I am correct.)
you look a lil like hui ci (if you know who she is)
> Anonymous
I just googled. :o This one ah! http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_1cRmvNjdA-w/SuWme9uqaYI/AAAAAAAAADM/eBeXkos9rjM/s320/huici.jpg
HAHA. Thanks ah :)
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