During Thinking Day.

An extremely old photo from when I was still a Secondary 1 student and the next one is from our promotion ceremony when I was promoted from member to Patrol Second.
All taken during promotion ceremony!
Two groups trying to win the, "Who can create the longest line" competition and using every thing we could find in the school, from our shoes and socks to hair bands to bracelets to watches to our track pants (if we're wearing shorts inside) to taking out newspaper from the dustbins to actually using the dustbins to using our own bodies.
Playing Captain's Ball and running around like mad girls on drugs.
We have to get from one door to the another door by standing on two chairs and balancing two buckets of water. Most difficult challenge ever! I don't think anybody ever made it to the other side w/o cheating.
Losers have to do a forfeit, which was poledancing. -_- I refuse to upload the videos but here's a picture of me dancing around Alicia (who was the pole) HAHA.
All the rush whenever there's an uniform check!! Have to help our juniors do their scarves as they're not confident enough or don't know how to do it properly yet, and there's a lot of other CCA groups in the toilet so we often have to adjust our uniforms in the play area. I swear everybody's hair was neatly tied up and socks were at our ankles and everything, it's just that in these pictures, we're still preparing!!
Sec 1 Promotion Ceremony! :D
When I was still a Secondary 1 student and an ahlian haha
:) A lot more pictures, but I'll stop here. I love Girl Guides, and I love how it has developed me into a person that knows how to pitch a tent, how to build a fire, how to do outdoor cooking, how to tie various knots, how to be responsible, how to be a good leader, how to be a good sister, and most of all, how to be a better person. ;)
how to sew buttons, how to sew in different types of sewing methods, how to first aid etc. hehe :D ALL MY PHOTOS DAMN UNGLAM, can cry :'(
> Aly
Yealor. Hate it when people call us slackers. WHERE GOT PLEASE!!!! >:(
And it's not unglam lah!
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