Day 5: 011209

So thick omg this is absolutely YUMS. I want to go back to Taipei and have the waffles again :(

Shortly after this picture was taken, while hopping off the trishaw, I fell and landed on the floor. -_-
Browsed through shops and saw these scandalous t-shirts:

I was able to buy this for Jennifer but decided not to because she would probably hit me and tell me that I'm a perverted asshole and then not be my friend ever again :(
But here's a picture anyway hehehehehehee

All the stations have a waiting line, and I've never seen someone out of the line (unless they're sitting down but when they get up, they join the queue at the line wtf). So obedient!
This will be my mom's cue to whisper, "Unlike Singaporeans..."

And they even had a breastfeeding room lolololz. IN THE MRT STATION, MIND YOU. I was like O____O !
I was also very excited on this day because it's just 16 more days to my birthday, but things are not meant to be, after all. :)
Day 6: 021209
We went to Sun Moon Lake via a bus. It is a fucking FIVE hours bus ride wtf.

Happily relaxing.
At Sun Moon Lake...

With my zodiac sign! The dog. :D

Wah my face looks so fat here anyway Auntie Mary took me on a ride!!!!!!!!!!1 This is a motorbike hehehehe.

Woo. 8)
Btw we stayed overnight there.
Day 7: 031209

Caught the sunrise. I saw the sun crept up from the mountains omg it was really beautiful and amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't care, if I ever marry, this will be my honeymoon spot.
Ok lah, maybe not........ because I want to go to Paris. 8)
At the airport!

I absolutely love it. :D

Bwahahahaha I used to be so cute!
Sorry, very lazy to blog in details! :P
Shucks the first picture looks so yummy!!!!!
> Joanne
IT IS VERY YUMMYYYYYYY :( Best waffles I've ever tasted. :( My heart pines for it :(
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