Currently at Taipei, Taiwan. :) At YMCA Hotel. I'm blogging in the hotel lobby, with my oversized shirt + fbts + slippers, and I look like a vagrant since everyone's dressed to the nines in the lobby. -___- Nevermind! Anyway, been eating a lot. The food here is damn NAISE. :D They don't spare the ingredients, unlike Singapore. The servings are HUGE. :D:D:D Auntie Mary (my mom's friend) was like, how does she (me) stay so skinny even though she eats so much!? HAHAHAHA.
On the first day, had a free cab ride to the airport thanks to my father's connections and met my mom's friend at the airport. Had lunch, then we checked in at 1pm and that was when I realized OH IT'S NAJEERA'S BIRTHDAY TMR I HAVE TO WISH HER BEFORE I GO TO TAIPEI!! So it was a mad rush of messaging Junhao and calling Juexin before finally wishing Najeera. Shortly after I ended the call, I boarded the plane. It was THAT rushed HAHA. I am amazing.
Anyway lunch is not provided on the plane so you had to buy the food and it's so expensive omg $3 for coke and $5 for chicken rice WTF. -___-
Watched the sun set from the airplane and touched down at 6.20am with a temperature of 18 degrees! My mom's luggage was damaged along the way but they'll repair it for free so it's all good. Once we stepped out of the airport it was wtf-I-am-dying because seriously damn freezing cold with the wind and all. I shivered and trembled and my teeth were chattering at 1048293278m/s and I almost died.
Reached our hotel, set down our luggages, and went to Xi Men Di to eat and explore!! Went back to our hotel around 11pm.
On the second day, went to the National Palace Museum! It is damn gigantic omg it is the size of Singapore I SWEAR IT IS it is THAT big and it took us half the afternoon to explore just ONE section of the museum wtf. -__- It was quite boring because it featured Chinese historical artifacts and I'm not interested in those things so yeah I just followed my mom and Auntie Mary.
Friday, November 27, 2009
I'm leaving now, hehehe. See you guys in one week. :)))) I'm actually very excited to go, but the only thing is idk how I'll be able to bear not being in contact with Junhao for one week -__- I think I might die but OH WELLS IT'S JUST ONE WEEK SHALL ENDURE so anyway bye guys, have fun in Singapore, and BYE. :D
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Regina Spektor - Laughing With
No one laughs at God in a hospital
No one laughs at God in a war
No one's laughing at God when they're starving or freezing or so very poor
No one laughs at God when the doctor calls after some routine tests
No one's laughing at God when it's gotten real late and their kid's not back from that party yet
No one laughs at God when their airplane starts to uncontrollably shake
No one's laughing at God when they see the one they love hand in hand with someone else and they hope that they're mistaken
No one laughs at God when the cops knock on their door and they say "We've got some bad new, sir,"
No one's laughing at God when there's a famine, fire or flood
But God can be funny
At a cocktail party while listening to a good God-themed joke or
Or when the crazies say he hates us and they get so red in the head you think that they're about to choke
God can be funny
When told he'll give you money if you just pray the right way
And when presented like a genie
Who does magic like Houdini
Or grants wishes like Jiminy Cricket and Santa Claus
God can be so hilarious
Ha ha
Ha ha
No one laughs at God in a hospital
No one laughs at God in a war
No one's laughing at God when they've lost all they got and they don't know what for
No one laughs at God on the day they realize that the last sight they'll ever see is a pair of hateful eyes
No one's laughing at God when they're saying their goodbyes
But God can be funny
At a cocktail party while listening to a good God-themed joke or
Or when the crazies say he hates us and they get so red in the head you think that they're about to choke
God can be funny
When told he'll give you money if you just pray the right way
And when presented like a genie
Who does magic like Houdini
Or grants wishes like Jiminy Cricket and Santa Claus
God can be so hilarious
No one laughs at God in a hospital
No one laughs at God in a war
No one laughs at God in a hospital
No one laughs at God in a war
No one's laughing at God in a hospital
No one's laughing at God in a war
No one's laughing at God when they're starving or freezing or so very poor
No one's laughing at God
No one's laughing at God
No one's laughing at God
We're all laughing with God
What's your take on the lyrics?
I think what Regina Spektor is trying to say through this song is that skeptics are always laughing at God. Mocking him and his powers, that he is non-existent. Tearing down the concept of God. But when things get serious, life-threatening, when there is a fine line between life and death, these unbelievers (atheists) start to pray, and they want God to help them, so they're telling God, "Hey, we're not laughing at you! We're laughing with you! We weren't being mean to you! You mind giving us a hand now?" What I'm trying to say is, perhaps she's trying to say people misuse religion in times of crisis, like floods and famine, and become instantly attached to ideas of religion, for the feeling of hope. But when the crisis has passed, they do not keep the beliefs and respect for God, and once again return to disbelieving the ideas of religion, as they no longer need them.
Just my opinion. :)

Mom took this. Proof that I've been working on the itinerary while she slacks. :( Sad life of a daughter.
Celebrated Swami's birthday a few days ago... hard to explain - he's looked upon as a human God by Hindus. And I'm a Hindu. So. :D

My mom and I. I bought that "Super Mom" shirt for her, hehehe. ;)

That's Swami - the picture on the altar and the statue (made by my uncle!! He's damn talented).
Alright, I'm done. Leaving Singapore tomorrow! :D
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Sorry for the lack of updates, been busy packing for my trip to Taipei!! :D:D Am leaving in 2 more days, cannot wait to get away from Singapore and have a week to myself :) Also, planning my itinerary. Anyone has a spare camera to lend me? I'll return it in its original condition! :B
Oh and it's my 8th month with Junhao today! Too bad we can't meet, since he has SJAB.
Anyway, why are certain girls so goddamn confusing? I know it's a bit weird for me to say this, since I am a girl myself, but seriously... I don't understand how girls work. I'm not saying I am better or simple or anything, nor am I trying to imply I'm an enigma or anything. I'm just saying that the more I read girls' blogs, the more I am confused about whether do they actually mean what they say.
First, these girls claim that anonymous hate-taggers are so immature, that "keyboard-warriors" are so 2006 and only primary school students do that. Then they go on to hate-tag someone anonymously. Huh? I know I'm not supposed to know that they are the same person, since it's anonymous, but I have my sources, and my friend told me that Girl B's blog has been spammed by Girl A and Girl A is one of those girls who incessantly preach that anonymous hate-taggers = immature. Ummmm
(Anyway, been receiving negative comments lately. Anonymous, obviously. Sigh, so what if I whine too much or my stories make no sense? At least I have more guts than you; I don't anonymously un-constructively criticize people. Oh btw I find the term "keyboard-warriors" so cute. I always imagine a ninja holding up a keyboard instead of a katana and using it to hit people. HAHA.)
Second, they claim that they'll never go back to this particular ex, that it's over for good, that she knows he's no good, that she'll be with anyone but him... then in a few more weeks or months, voila! They're together! I'm not saying this is wrong, I'm just saying it's kind of contradictory. And it is, and it's none of my business, but I have a right to say what I want to say so there.
Third, girls that post stuffs like, "This is my blog, my platform to express myself and my opinions. So if you don't like what I post, then don't read, as simple as that. This is my blog, so respect it." Then proceed to bash another girl for blogging about some matters, saying that the girl is "stupid" for saying so. Um... contradictory much? ._.
Okay that rant was totally random hahaha :B
Oh and I cannot stand it when I come across a girl who thinks that her life is incomplete without a boyfriend!!! Yes, yes, I get it, you crave for love and someone who will love you back. But that doesn't mean you are less of a human being because you are single. You're not "alone" just because you're single - hello, you have friends for a reason, family for a reason. They will ALWAYS be there for you! And just because you don't have a boyfriend doesn't mean you're butt-ugly or unwanted or something's wrong with you.
And you are not pathetic if you don't have a boyfriend, you are only pathetic if you think your life is incomplete and desolate if you don't have a boyfriend.
And no, you don't love someone because you need them - you need someone because you love them. And if you say you love him because he's handsome, you're only in love with physical appearances and physical appearances will fade with age and so will your love.
That's just my honest opinion, so if you want to contradict me, then do it with respect.
Oh and also, if you find that you constantly need to change yourself to please your man, then I think you should just do yourself a favour and ditch him, no matter how much you love him. Because he doesn't love you. So why torture yourself? If a man loves you, he won't force you to become someone else; he'll love you for being you and won't want anything else, he won't want you to change. And he'll appreciate your individualism and not want you to conform to standards, such as his friends' standard or his standard itself.
And nobody will love you the way you want them to, but that doesn't mean they don't love you. They love you in their own way, so embrace it, dwell in it, appreciate it. Instead of complaining how he doesn't do anything for you. Most probably, the reason why you feel that way is because you're blind to what he sacrifices for you because he doesn't do it the way you want him to do. So learn to open your heart, and stop complaining.
I've learned along the way that complaining doesn't get you anywhere... if you feel wronged or judged or whatever, instead of complaining, you have to get out there and do something about it. Only then will things change in the tide of your favour. You want the world to change, then go ahead, you have to be the change! Those who only know how to complain will never be satisfied. In this life, we will have to make our own happiness, our own peace. And it never comes if we don't work for it, so work we must, instead of sitting idly back and complaining.
Like what Jennifer said to me before, we must never be silenced by fear. People will say things to discourage you - tell you that you will fail, that you will be the mockery of the century, that you will be the disgrace of humanity, et cetera. It'll instill fear in you, that you'll never succeed, so you become like them, complaining; whining for things to be better... when you should be out there making life better.
Basically, I don't really care about what people tell me nowadays. I'm a good person, I know that. Yes, I might be ugly, I might be unattractive, I might speak too much for my own good, I might be overly dramatic, I might be too proud of myself, but generally, I'm a good person and I revel in my goodness. :D HAHAHA.
Omg didn't realize how long this post has become heh kudos to you if you read everything. :B
Oh and it's my 8th month with Junhao today! Too bad we can't meet, since he has SJAB.
Anyway, why are certain girls so goddamn confusing? I know it's a bit weird for me to say this, since I am a girl myself, but seriously... I don't understand how girls work. I'm not saying I am better or simple or anything, nor am I trying to imply I'm an enigma or anything. I'm just saying that the more I read girls' blogs, the more I am confused about whether do they actually mean what they say.
First, these girls claim that anonymous hate-taggers are so immature, that "keyboard-warriors" are so 2006 and only primary school students do that. Then they go on to hate-tag someone anonymously. Huh? I know I'm not supposed to know that they are the same person, since it's anonymous, but I have my sources, and my friend told me that Girl B's blog has been spammed by Girl A and Girl A is one of those girls who incessantly preach that anonymous hate-taggers = immature. Ummmm
(Anyway, been receiving negative comments lately. Anonymous, obviously. Sigh, so what if I whine too much or my stories make no sense? At least I have more guts than you; I don't anonymously un-constructively criticize people. Oh btw I find the term "keyboard-warriors" so cute. I always imagine a ninja holding up a keyboard instead of a katana and using it to hit people. HAHA.)
Second, they claim that they'll never go back to this particular ex, that it's over for good, that she knows he's no good, that she'll be with anyone but him... then in a few more weeks or months, voila! They're together! I'm not saying this is wrong, I'm just saying it's kind of contradictory. And it is, and it's none of my business, but I have a right to say what I want to say so there.
Third, girls that post stuffs like, "This is my blog, my platform to express myself and my opinions. So if you don't like what I post, then don't read, as simple as that. This is my blog, so respect it." Then proceed to bash another girl for blogging about some matters, saying that the girl is "stupid" for saying so. Um... contradictory much? ._.
Okay that rant was totally random hahaha :B
Oh and I cannot stand it when I come across a girl who thinks that her life is incomplete without a boyfriend!!! Yes, yes, I get it, you crave for love and someone who will love you back. But that doesn't mean you are less of a human being because you are single. You're not "alone" just because you're single - hello, you have friends for a reason, family for a reason. They will ALWAYS be there for you! And just because you don't have a boyfriend doesn't mean you're butt-ugly or unwanted or something's wrong with you.
And you are not pathetic if you don't have a boyfriend, you are only pathetic if you think your life is incomplete and desolate if you don't have a boyfriend.
And no, you don't love someone because you need them - you need someone because you love them. And if you say you love him because he's handsome, you're only in love with physical appearances and physical appearances will fade with age and so will your love.
That's just my honest opinion, so if you want to contradict me, then do it with respect.
Oh and also, if you find that you constantly need to change yourself to please your man, then I think you should just do yourself a favour and ditch him, no matter how much you love him. Because he doesn't love you. So why torture yourself? If a man loves you, he won't force you to become someone else; he'll love you for being you and won't want anything else, he won't want you to change. And he'll appreciate your individualism and not want you to conform to standards, such as his friends' standard or his standard itself.
And nobody will love you the way you want them to, but that doesn't mean they don't love you. They love you in their own way, so embrace it, dwell in it, appreciate it. Instead of complaining how he doesn't do anything for you. Most probably, the reason why you feel that way is because you're blind to what he sacrifices for you because he doesn't do it the way you want him to do. So learn to open your heart, and stop complaining.
I've learned along the way that complaining doesn't get you anywhere... if you feel wronged or judged or whatever, instead of complaining, you have to get out there and do something about it. Only then will things change in the tide of your favour. You want the world to change, then go ahead, you have to be the change! Those who only know how to complain will never be satisfied. In this life, we will have to make our own happiness, our own peace. And it never comes if we don't work for it, so work we must, instead of sitting idly back and complaining.
Like what Jennifer said to me before, we must never be silenced by fear. People will say things to discourage you - tell you that you will fail, that you will be the mockery of the century, that you will be the disgrace of humanity, et cetera. It'll instill fear in you, that you'll never succeed, so you become like them, complaining; whining for things to be better... when you should be out there making life better.
Basically, I don't really care about what people tell me nowadays. I'm a good person, I know that. Yes, I might be ugly, I might be unattractive, I might speak too much for my own good, I might be overly dramatic, I might be too proud of myself, but generally, I'm a good person and I revel in my goodness. :D HAHAHA.
Omg didn't realize how long this post has become heh kudos to you if you read everything. :B
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Excerpt from a short story I wrote a few months ago
"Eventually, the heart repairs." She says it plaintively, as though she does not really believe in it. Her fingers are trembling. She has long, slender fingers. Her nails are perfectly oval-shaped. And it is trembling. "Eventually, the heart repairs." She mutters it again, as though to reassure herself, not me.
We sit in the thick silence for a while. It is then I realized you could actually hear silence, although it is meant to be silent. It is a dark, misty night. The moon is covered by clouds, and the stars seem to also be in hiding.
"Are you really leaving me?"
I open my mouth to start a sentence, then pause and stare at her for a while. She is a really beautiful lady. Her hair is long, to the waist. It's ebony black. She has a center parting. Her eyebrows are perfectly arched, her eyes are double-lidded and almond-shaped, her nose is sharp and her mouth is shaped like a rosebud. Perfect. She is perfect, I thought.
She moves her head to look at me. Her perfect almond-shaped eyes are overflowing with sadness in the form of tears, and even so, she still looks perfect. Her rosebud lips are trembling; pouting. I embrace her, and stroke her hair to calm her down, and told her I am sorry - that I had no choice.
"My mother told me that line. 'Eventually, the heart repairs,' she told me, when I was a wee kid. I was crying that day, because my grandmother - her mother - just passed away, and I was awfully close to her. It felt like a piece of me died as well. My heart broke. I told my mother that. My mother was crying as well. We all were - my mother, my father, my older sister, and me. When I told her that, she quietly whispered to me, as though it was a secret, that particular line."
She stopped.
"Did you believe her?"
"Yes. I believed her."
"Believe, or believed?"
"Believed. I no longer believe in it. Yes, the heart repairs. But once broken, it will never be as beautiful and pure as before. The heart is damaged. Even when repaired, it has been damaged and it will never be the same again. Eventually, the heart repairs, but you're still broken inside."
"Kind of like a lizard tail, huh? Once it has been chopped off, it won't grow back as majestic as before."
"That's a weird way of putting it, but I guess you could say so."
And that was our last conversation together, before I materialized into the air.
We sit in the thick silence for a while. It is then I realized you could actually hear silence, although it is meant to be silent. It is a dark, misty night. The moon is covered by clouds, and the stars seem to also be in hiding.
"Are you really leaving me?"
I open my mouth to start a sentence, then pause and stare at her for a while. She is a really beautiful lady. Her hair is long, to the waist. It's ebony black. She has a center parting. Her eyebrows are perfectly arched, her eyes are double-lidded and almond-shaped, her nose is sharp and her mouth is shaped like a rosebud. Perfect. She is perfect, I thought.
She moves her head to look at me. Her perfect almond-shaped eyes are overflowing with sadness in the form of tears, and even so, she still looks perfect. Her rosebud lips are trembling; pouting. I embrace her, and stroke her hair to calm her down, and told her I am sorry - that I had no choice.
"My mother told me that line. 'Eventually, the heart repairs,' she told me, when I was a wee kid. I was crying that day, because my grandmother - her mother - just passed away, and I was awfully close to her. It felt like a piece of me died as well. My heart broke. I told my mother that. My mother was crying as well. We all were - my mother, my father, my older sister, and me. When I told her that, she quietly whispered to me, as though it was a secret, that particular line."
She stopped.
"Did you believe her?"
"Yes. I believed her."
"Believe, or believed?"
"Believed. I no longer believe in it. Yes, the heart repairs. But once broken, it will never be as beautiful and pure as before. The heart is damaged. Even when repaired, it has been damaged and it will never be the same again. Eventually, the heart repairs, but you're still broken inside."
"Kind of like a lizard tail, huh? Once it has been chopped off, it won't grow back as majestic as before."
"That's a weird way of putting it, but I guess you could say so."
And that was our last conversation together, before I materialized into the air.
Saturday, November 21, 2009

It really is.
I asked you to stay, but like an elusive butterfly, away you flew. I couldn't even reach out to pull you back down so you could be next to me; you were just that fast. Like you couldn't wait to be rid of an annoyance like me. I'm sorry - am I really such a waste of time to you? I'm sorry. I should have just been happy all the time, so you wouldn't be tired of listening to me whine. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
It seems like nowadays, people only know how to criticize others.
And lately, I've been getting a barrage of criticisms, and I am sick of hearing the same shit every single bloody day.
I'm an incompetent chairman. I'm a hopeless fiend. I'm a shameless flirt. I'm a ignorant bitch. I'm proud and snobby. I'm an egoistical girl. I think too highly of myself. I'm a braggart. I'm selfish. I'm a lying bitch. I'm weird. I'm a stupid prick. I'm ugly. I'm annoying. I'm a loser. I take advantage of people and their kind intentions. I'm fake. I'm a lousy friend. I always seek for attention. I want people to pity me. I want people to think that I'm the victim. I'm controlling. I'm conceited. I'm rude. I'm unappreciative. I'm attention-seeking. I act as though my English is the best when it is not. I'm a cheat. I'm condescending. I look down on others. I act like a Samaritan, when I'm a beast. I'm not helpful. I only think for myself. I'm dirty. I'm unorganized. I'm too flippant.
And the list goes on.
What more do you want to say? Seriously. Don't you think that this is enough? Constant insults every single fucking day, it is annoying, it is sickening, and I don't even cry anymore. I'm so used to the backlash.
Look, if you think you're so bloody good, then fine, go ahead and do my job. I'm an incompetent chairman? Go ahead, take my duty. I'm a hopeless fiend? Go ahead, be me. I'm a lousy friend? Go ahead, be my friends' friend. And prove to me, that you are a better human.
If not, shut the fuck up, and leave me alone.
And lately, I've been getting a barrage of criticisms, and I am sick of hearing the same shit every single bloody day.
I'm an incompetent chairman. I'm a hopeless fiend. I'm a shameless flirt. I'm a ignorant bitch. I'm proud and snobby. I'm an egoistical girl. I think too highly of myself. I'm a braggart. I'm selfish. I'm a lying bitch. I'm weird. I'm a stupid prick. I'm ugly. I'm annoying. I'm a loser. I take advantage of people and their kind intentions. I'm fake. I'm a lousy friend. I always seek for attention. I want people to pity me. I want people to think that I'm the victim. I'm controlling. I'm conceited. I'm rude. I'm unappreciative. I'm attention-seeking. I act as though my English is the best when it is not. I'm a cheat. I'm condescending. I look down on others. I act like a Samaritan, when I'm a beast. I'm not helpful. I only think for myself. I'm dirty. I'm unorganized. I'm too flippant.
And the list goes on.
What more do you want to say? Seriously. Don't you think that this is enough? Constant insults every single fucking day, it is annoying, it is sickening, and I don't even cry anymore. I'm so used to the backlash.
Look, if you think you're so bloody good, then fine, go ahead and do my job. I'm an incompetent chairman? Go ahead, take my duty. I'm a hopeless fiend? Go ahead, be me. I'm a lousy friend? Go ahead, be my friends' friend. And prove to me, that you are a better human.
If not, shut the fuck up, and leave me alone.
Friday, November 20, 2009

MY LIFE IS TRULY COMPLETE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Went to MPH Warehouse Sales with Huishan today. :) We were both in our own paradise. In my heart, I was doing a joyous dance because I was surrounded by rows and rows and rows of books and I never knew such exhilaration and clarity until then.
(Alright, I'm just exaggerating.)
But seriously. I radiated HAPPINESS. People who brushed past me probably smiled for no reason at all because of the happiness that was dripping out of every single pore of my body.
(Alright, I'm still just exaggerating.)
I'm a happy, happy, happy girl lalalalalalalala
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Things about arguments that piss me off
#1. I might not always be right, but that does not mean I am always wrong.
If I get into an argument with you, it is only logical to argue about the thing that sparked off the argument. Don't bring up shit from the past - it's the past for a fucking reason. We talked about it before, it's old news now. I might be of a certain quality a few months ago, but people change; I change. Don't try to make me sound like the one making the mistake and that I am wrong when you are the one that fucked up. Just admit to your mistake and just goddamn apologize instead of kicking a big fuss about me fucking up before. Emphasize: before. Am I now? No. Bitch.
#2. Just because I apologize and talk to you first, does not mean I admit that the argument between us was my fault.
It just means that I value my friendship with you over my pride. Btw, I have a limit to the number of times I apologize. After the tenth time, I'll just give up on you because it shows how much more important your pride is compared to me.
#3. It really does take two hands to clap.
An argument can't be started by just one person. Obviously you must have done something to spark the other person off. Acknowledge what you've said or done, instead of vehemently denying doing anything. Honesty is the best policy, remember? I am a reasonable person and I won't pick a fight with you for nothing. Oh, and don't go around telling your friends that I'm an unreasonable lying bitch after our argument. If you're still unhappy, settle it with me, instead of ending the argument abruptly.
#4. Use expletives for all I care, but never ever use it on the person.
Telling me that I am an unreasonable, illogical and delusional shithead bitch on crack won't do anything except to piss me off even further, aggravating the situation. You should immediately apologize afterward and tell me that you didn't mean it, if not I will fucking hit your head with a brick.
#5. Don't drag your friends into our argument. It is OUR argument, not the whole world's fucking argument.
By dragging your friends in, it shows how awesome I am at arguing because you are losing, and that's why you have to call in your comrades. However, the shit that's going down between us, is just between YOU and ME, excluding your friends, relatives and boyfriend/girlfriend. Same goes for me. Capiche?
If I get into an argument with you, it is only logical to argue about the thing that sparked off the argument. Don't bring up shit from the past - it's the past for a fucking reason. We talked about it before, it's old news now. I might be of a certain quality a few months ago, but people change; I change. Don't try to make me sound like the one making the mistake and that I am wrong when you are the one that fucked up. Just admit to your mistake and just goddamn apologize instead of kicking a big fuss about me fucking up before. Emphasize: before. Am I now? No. Bitch.
#2. Just because I apologize and talk to you first, does not mean I admit that the argument between us was my fault.
It just means that I value my friendship with you over my pride. Btw, I have a limit to the number of times I apologize. After the tenth time, I'll just give up on you because it shows how much more important your pride is compared to me.
#3. It really does take two hands to clap.
An argument can't be started by just one person. Obviously you must have done something to spark the other person off. Acknowledge what you've said or done, instead of vehemently denying doing anything. Honesty is the best policy, remember? I am a reasonable person and I won't pick a fight with you for nothing. Oh, and don't go around telling your friends that I'm an unreasonable lying bitch after our argument. If you're still unhappy, settle it with me, instead of ending the argument abruptly.
#4. Use expletives for all I care, but never ever use it on the person.
Telling me that I am an unreasonable, illogical and delusional shithead bitch on crack won't do anything except to piss me off even further, aggravating the situation. You should immediately apologize afterward and tell me that you didn't mean it, if not I will fucking hit your head with a brick.
#5. Don't drag your friends into our argument. It is OUR argument, not the whole world's fucking argument.
By dragging your friends in, it shows how awesome I am at arguing because you are losing, and that's why you have to call in your comrades. However, the shit that's going down between us, is just between YOU and ME, excluding your friends, relatives and boyfriend/girlfriend. Same goes for me. Capiche?
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
All by my lonesome
Soooo... day not very well spent. :( I waited 1.5h for people to turn up but only 4 people bought the tickets. T___T And just when I was about to walk to the museum, a thunderstorm ensued.
If there is a God, he does not like me very much.

Currently reading the second book (there is the third and fourth book) of the vampire chronicles. The first book is Interview with the Vampire and it was so thrilling and sensual. :O So is this one! Way better than Twilight.
Btw the only reason why the cover is so cracked because my uncle passed the books down to me and they were from 1995, so.... not my fault. I take very good care of my books, don't be mistaken alright.
Oh and about 3pm, I started writing in my journal because I was bored (and I didn't want to read) when this angmoh approached me and asked if I am writing a draft for a novel. I was too dazzled by his blue eyes to speak (HAHA).
So he peeked at my journal and I quickly covered it and went, "Oh no no it's my diary!" And he was like, "Oh! Oh my god, I am so sorry! You just seemed so intense, I thought you were writing a story. I'm a book publisher, so I was interested in reading because young teenagers are quite talented in story-writing nowadays."
I was like, woooooooooooooooooooooooooah if I really was writing a story, I could become an author!!! HAHAHA. He apologized again and said goodbye and I was like, wooooooooooooah. Totally speechless! :O
Then I started to pack my things, and then it rained. Bitch.
Went to Daiso and I was in Heaven for about 1 hour. :B (Just realized they sell full-length leggings for just $2, while blogshops are selling them for minimum $8. Unless it's an used one, then minimum is $5. I was awestruck. Too bad there's only black and white.)
Went home shortly after.
Schedule for the rest of November before I leave for Taipei:

I may be emotional but at least I’m not weak. It takes a strong individual to admit defeat and
have the courage to cry every now and then.
If there is a God, he does not like me very much.

Currently reading the second book (there is the third and fourth book) of the vampire chronicles. The first book is Interview with the Vampire and it was so thrilling and sensual. :O So is this one! Way better than Twilight.
Btw the only reason why the cover is so cracked because my uncle passed the books down to me and they were from 1995, so.... not my fault. I take very good care of my books, don't be mistaken alright.
Oh and about 3pm, I started writing in my journal because I was bored (and I didn't want to read) when this angmoh approached me and asked if I am writing a draft for a novel. I was too dazzled by his blue eyes to speak (HAHA).
So he peeked at my journal and I quickly covered it and went, "Oh no no it's my diary!" And he was like, "Oh! Oh my god, I am so sorry! You just seemed so intense, I thought you were writing a story. I'm a book publisher, so I was interested in reading because young teenagers are quite talented in story-writing nowadays."
I was like, woooooooooooooooooooooooooah if I really was writing a story, I could become an author!!! HAHAHA. He apologized again and said goodbye and I was like, wooooooooooooah. Totally speechless! :O
Then I started to pack my things, and then it rained. Bitch.
Went to Daiso and I was in Heaven for about 1 hour. :B (Just realized they sell full-length leggings for just $2, while blogshops are selling them for minimum $8. Unless it's an used one, then minimum is $5. I was awestruck. Too bad there's only black and white.)
Went home shortly after.
Schedule for the rest of November before I leave for Taipei:
- 20th November: MPH Warehouse Sale with HS
- 21st November: The Apparel, Bags and Shoes sale by myself
- 23rd November: Angel from Heaven (local play) at Substation
- 25th November: 8th month with Junhao
- 26th November: Showoff (local play) at Substation
- 27th November: GOODBYE SINGAPORE

I may be emotional but at least I’m not weak. It takes a strong individual to admit defeat and
have the courage to cry every now and then.
Been seeing a lot of people using the phrase, "I could care less!" And it's actually incorrect...
When you say this, you are actually saying, "I care a lot so I could care less." Since this phrase is often said to mock people, this is not what you want to imply.
The correct phrase is, "I couldn't care less." This means "I care so little, I could not care less."
Sorry, I am very anal about English.
(No wonder nobody likes me. I act as though my English is very good haha but no actually I don't I feel that my standard is not as good as those in RGS or RI... so I'm working on it.)
Just had Macs breakfast with Junhao before he went off for his A.Maths remedial.Such a nice girlfriend lalala. I am going to shower soon, then I'm going to train to Habourfront to collect my clothes (HEHE) and then to Dhoby Ghaut to sell tickets for Tumblr meetup and then because I'll have a lot of free time, going to visit museums by myself because I am cool like that. (H)
Going to make my IC on Thursday. :( Going to die, because I'm going with my father, and my father is very naggy and particular about things. My IC photo is going to be a major meh. And I insist that meh is the new fail. ;)
Came across this on Tumblr and I'm in total agreement with it:
When you say this, you are actually saying, "I care a lot so I could care less." Since this phrase is often said to mock people, this is not what you want to imply.
The correct phrase is, "I couldn't care less." This means "I care so little, I could not care less."
Sorry, I am very anal about English.

Just had Macs breakfast with Junhao before he went off for his A.Maths remedial.
Going to make my IC on Thursday. :( Going to die, because I'm going with my father, and my father is very naggy and particular about things. My IC photo is going to be a major meh. And I insist that meh is the new fail. ;)
Came across this on Tumblr and I'm in total agreement with it:
I'm always torn between wanting to tell my story to everyone to let them know exactly what is in my head and keeping it to myself. The problem is being outwardly unhappy and consistently so pushes people away, no matter if they say they're always there to listen. There is only so much your best friends can listen to. On the other hand, to pretend that everything is fine is to poison yourself from the inside out; it is to ignore who you are and lose yourself. So which is better? To have friends that think you are melodramatic, seeking attention, and pessimistic or to drown in your own mind? I honestly don't know.Nice to know that there are people in the same dilemma as me. Makes me feel less alone in my struggle. :)
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
More pictures of myself mwahaha
I went out by myself today! Went to visit Alicia and Irene. :)
And I went shopping, heh. Bought shades + a cardigan. I am very happy heh. So once I got home, I took pictures.... :D

I like this one! It says "Happy Birthday" on it and there are candles haha and it's so cute so... voila. ;)

Act cool :O

I promise less pictures of myself. It's just that staying at home can get a bit boring. :P
And I went shopping, heh. Bought shades + a cardigan. I am very happy heh. So once I got home, I took pictures.... :D

I like this one! It says "Happy Birthday" on it and there are candles haha and it's so cute so... voila. ;)

Act cool :O

I promise less pictures of myself. It's just that staying at home can get a bit boring. :P
Monday, November 16, 2009
“Do you think I’m wonderful?” she asked him one day as they leaned against the trunk of a petrified maple.
“No” he said.
“Because so many girls are wonderful. I imagine hundreds of men have called their loves wonderful today, and it’s only noon. You couldn’t be something that hundreds of others are.”
“No” he said.
“Because so many girls are wonderful. I imagine hundreds of men have called their loves wonderful today, and it’s only noon. You couldn’t be something that hundreds of others are.”
Sunday, November 15, 2009
I am feeling quite self-loving today,
so I shall upload photos of myself. :)

I am quite happy. :B I want to cut it short, because Singapore's weather = hot, but I don't have the face to carry it off. :o Unfortunately. I don't like people who have petite faces. :( They can pull off practically EVERYTHING (as in hairstyles) because they have some good facial structure!
Went out with Huishan today! Went to T1 to buy an earpiece and then went to CS to makan. :o Went to TM's Bengawan Solo to buy a cake (her friend's birthday) and then she left for Changi Airport to celebrate her friend's birthday with the rest of her friends haha.
So I wandered around T1 because I didn't want to go home yet and there is a Times sale!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8) 8) 8) Today's the last day.

I HAVE NEW BOOKS woohoo. Can't wait to start on them! I have 4 other books to complete reading. HAHA. Actually, I think I shall give up on (or put aside) Charles Dicken - Great Expectations. It's written in Old English, which makes it difficult to understand. But my favourite passage from the book:
Ahem 12 more days before I head off to Taipei! :D

You're all welcome to send me off and to welcome me back. HAHA. WOO SO EXCITING!!!!!! I've already planned all my activities!!! :D:D:D:D
Haha and Juexin is so sweet, she made me a picture :B

It is a lovely feeling, knowing that you'll be missed. :B Juexin is such a lovely friend, haha. Actually, all my friends are lovely. :O I am indeed blessed heh. ;)
Shall end off now, but here are two more animations:

Ok bye! <3

I am quite happy. :B I want to cut it short, because Singapore's weather = hot, but I don't have the face to carry it off. :o Unfortunately. I don't like people who have petite faces. :( They can pull off practically EVERYTHING (as in hairstyles) because they have some good facial structure!
Went out with Huishan today! Went to T1 to buy an earpiece and then went to CS to makan. :o Went to TM's Bengawan Solo to buy a cake (her friend's birthday) and then she left for Changi Airport to celebrate her friend's birthday with the rest of her friends haha.
So I wandered around T1 because I didn't want to go home yet and there is a Times sale!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8) 8) 8) Today's the last day.

I HAVE NEW BOOKS woohoo. Can't wait to start on them! I have 4 other books to complete reading. HAHA. Actually, I think I shall give up on (or put aside) Charles Dicken - Great Expectations. It's written in Old English, which makes it difficult to understand. But my favourite passage from the book:
The unqualified truth is that, when I loved her with the love of a man, I loved her simply because I found her irresistible. Once and for all; I knew to my sorrow, often and often, if not always, that I loved her against reason, against promise, against peace, against hope, against happiness, against all discouragement that could be. Once and for all; I loved her because I knew it, and it had no more influence in restraining me than if I had devoutly believed her to be human perfection.It's so sweet. :)
Ahem 12 more days before I head off to Taipei! :D

You're all welcome to send me off and to welcome me back. HAHA. WOO SO EXCITING!!!!!! I've already planned all my activities!!! :D:D:D:D
Haha and Juexin is so sweet, she made me a picture :B

It is a lovely feeling, knowing that you'll be missed. :B Juexin is such a lovely friend, haha. Actually, all my friends are lovely. :O I am indeed blessed heh. ;)
Shall end off now, but here are two more animations:

Ok bye! <3
Saturday, November 14, 2009
For too long,
I've been punishing myself.
I am a victim of myself, you see. I like pain. I'm wired that way. Because without it, I don't feel real. I don't feel alive! I don't feel the pleasure of life. You know that saying: Why do I keep hitting myself with a hammer? Because it feels so good when I stop. Yeah, that's how it is.
I think I am quite sadistic.
Well, here's to always being tired, never sleeping, taking way too many pictures, keeping the best of a positive attitude, giving and growing, always being the person I've wanted to be, endless smiles, creative imaginations, eternal friendships, and love.
Here's to always being happy.
I am a victim of myself, you see. I like pain. I'm wired that way. Because without it, I don't feel real. I don't feel alive! I don't feel the pleasure of life. You know that saying: Why do I keep hitting myself with a hammer? Because it feels so good when I stop. Yeah, that's how it is.
I think I am quite sadistic.
Well, here's to always being tired, never sleeping, taking way too many pictures, keeping the best of a positive attitude, giving and growing, always being the person I've wanted to be, endless smiles, creative imaginations, eternal friendships, and love.
Here's to always being happy.
(Before starting on this post, I just realized I've been going out a lot lately. No wonder I'm running low on money! On a random note, I want to eat curry noodles.)
So. Huishan came to my house on Thurs and we went to have Korean food at CS's foodcourt, then went for fish-spa (again haha) and went back to my house lalalalalalalala she slept at 3am and I slept at 6am lalalala we set off at 10am to Macs for breakfast and I finally had my pancakes and we went back to my house to pack whatever we needed for Pulau Ubin (insect repellent/sunblock/bottles of water/camera) and we headed off to the interchange to catch bus 29 and we arrived at Changi Ferry Terminal and we took the bumboat to Pulau Ubin:

Huishan dancing in to the cabin.

And we depart for Pulau Ubin!!
I was very fascinated. I like bumboats. Actually, I just like being near the sea. It's very relaxing, somehow. We reach in about five minutes:

Look at the flower pants on the uncle at the left hand side of the photo hehe so cool. (H)
We rent bikes! $10 for two of us, unlimited timing. (Y) I was quite excited because it has been long since I've been on a bike.
But the trail is tough! There are so many uphill slopes; my legs were pedaling and pedaling and pedaling like there's no tomorrow and I was so tired. Huishan had to wait for me all the time!! HAHA. I felt like such an old woman! SHOWS I HAVEN'T BEEN EXERCISING. :(


:D:D:D ! (Please ignore the ball in its mouth.)
While cycling, we decide to go to Chek Jawa! (Even more uphill slopes wtf. Thank goodness for the downhill slopes, if not I would have certainly died of exhaustion.)

Huishan dancing. Again. :p

While walking along the bridge, we came across a tree that looks suspiciously like the tree in the first movie of Harry Potter:


HS loves the tree so much; she labels it as hers. :O
We walked till we reached the viewing tower!!

If you look carefully, there's an aeroplane near my shoulder. HAHA. I was very amused by this.

Indeed a long way down :o

Taken from the top!! She ran down first because she was scared. :P SHALL UPLOAD THE VIDEO SOON HAHA IT'S STILL UPLOADING ON PHOTOBUCKET!
Ah then we walked back to the entrance, and biked back to Pulau Ubin. Damn fucking tiring and we got caught in the rain!! :( I tried cycling with an umbrella but it was the ultimate FAIL due to the stupid slopes. So I was drenched and so was Huishan and we were both very miserable because we were drenched and cold :(
Quickly went back home and showered! We went to Popeyes and dapao our food since every single table was taken up. (Early dinner because we were both ravenous.)

End of the day!!! :) HS went back at 6.30pm.
Right now the muscles at my calves are aching and it hurts to moooooooove :(
To sum up the trip to Pulau Ubin:
So. Huishan came to my house on Thurs and we went to have Korean food at CS's foodcourt, then went for fish-spa (again haha) and went back to my house lalalalalalalala she slept at 3am and I slept at 6am lalalala we set off at 10am to Macs for breakfast and I finally had my pancakes and we went back to my house to pack whatever we needed for Pulau Ubin (insect repellent/sunblock/bottles of water/camera) and we headed off to the interchange to catch bus 29 and we arrived at Changi Ferry Terminal and we took the bumboat to Pulau Ubin:

Huishan dancing in to the cabin.

And we depart for Pulau Ubin!!
I was very fascinated. I like bumboats. Actually, I just like being near the sea. It's very relaxing, somehow. We reach in about five minutes:

Look at the flower pants on the uncle at the left hand side of the photo hehe so cool. (H)
We rent bikes! $10 for two of us, unlimited timing. (Y) I was quite excited because it has been long since I've been on a bike.
But the trail is tough! There are so many uphill slopes; my legs were pedaling and pedaling and pedaling like there's no tomorrow and I was so tired. Huishan had to wait for me all the time!! HAHA. I felt like such an old woman! SHOWS I HAVEN'T BEEN EXERCISING. :(


:D:D:D ! (Please ignore the ball in its mouth.)
While cycling, we decide to go to Chek Jawa! (Even more uphill slopes wtf. Thank goodness for the downhill slopes, if not I would have certainly died of exhaustion.)

Huishan dancing. Again. :p

While walking along the bridge, we came across a tree that looks suspiciously like the tree in the first movie of Harry Potter:


HS loves the tree so much; she labels it as hers. :O
We walked till we reached the viewing tower!!

If you look carefully, there's an aeroplane near my shoulder. HAHA. I was very amused by this.

Indeed a long way down :o

Taken from the top!! She ran down first because she was scared. :P SHALL UPLOAD THE VIDEO SOON HAHA IT'S STILL UPLOADING ON PHOTOBUCKET!
Ah then we walked back to the entrance, and biked back to Pulau Ubin. Damn fucking tiring and we got caught in the rain!! :( I tried cycling with an umbrella but it was the ultimate FAIL due to the stupid slopes. So I was drenched and so was Huishan and we were both very miserable because we were drenched and cold :(
Quickly went back home and showered! We went to Popeyes and dapao our food since every single table was taken up. (Early dinner because we were both ravenous.)

End of the day!!! :) HS went back at 6.30pm.
Right now the muscles at my calves are aching and it hurts to moooooooove :(
To sum up the trip to Pulau Ubin:
- HS kept dancing to places;
- HS was very fascinated while we were passing a mangrove and exclaimed, "It feels like Narnia, but without the snow!!";
- While at the viewing tower, HS had a panic attack and it was all videoed down MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA;
- We saw a Cookie Monster statue and I still wish I could smuggle it back to my house;
- We saw thousands of little red crabs and I'm not kidding when I say LITTLE, they're like the size of ants, and they were all moving in one direction. I proudly exclaimed that they're gathering to form a huge army to attack humanity and that we are doomed. Two boys that were taking photographs of the crabs laughed after that and I happily ignored them;
- We saw a lot of mudskippers;
- We saw a lot of seaweed;
- We saw a lot of NS men!!!!! I'm serious. They were EVERYWHERE;
- We witnessed a group of tourists playing Amazing Race;
- We got caught in the rain;
- We saw three very cute angmoh boys and HS is still in love;
- And we went home.
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